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get2DCellElements(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get2DCellElements(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaParser
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get2DCellElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get2DColumnCellElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get2DColumnRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sRange
get2DRangeElements(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sRange
get2DRangeElements(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaParser
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sRange
get2DRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sRange
get2DRowCellElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get2DRowRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of integers containing the elements of the specified sRange
get3DCellElements(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get3DCellElements(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaParser
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get3DCellElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sCellReference
get3DColumnRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sRange
get3DFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
This class does not support 3D formatting.
get3DFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.EffectDrawingObject
Returns the 3D-format of the drawing shape.
get3DFormat() - Method in interface EasyXLS.Drawings.IEffectDrawingObject
Returns the 3D-format of the drawing shape.
get3DRangeElements(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sRange
get3DRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sRange
get3DRowRangeElementsR1C1style(String, int, int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns an array of objects containing the elements of the specified sRange
getAccent1Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 1 color.
getAccent2Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 2 color.
getAccent3Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 3 color.
getAccent4Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 4 color.
getAccent5Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 5 color.
getAccent6Color() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Accent 6 color.
getAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the alignment of the shadow.
getAlignmentFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.AlignDrawingObject
Returns the alignment format of the drawing shape.
getAlignmentFormat() - Method in interface EasyXLS.Drawings.IAlignDrawingObject
Returns the alignment format of the drawing shape.
getAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the angle of the shadow.
getApplicationName() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the application name property.
getArea() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the area location of the pivot table field.
getArrowBeginSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the begin size of the arrow.
getArrowBeginType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the begin type of the arrow.
getArrowEndSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the end size of the arrow.
getArrowEndType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the end type of the arrow.
getAuthor() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the author property.
getAutoFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the autoformat to be applied.
getAutoFormatType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the type of this autoformat.
getAxisTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the chart axis title.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FillFormat.getBackground()
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by FillFormat.getBackground()
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelPlotArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FillFormat.getBackground()
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
As of version 8.3, replaced by FillFormat.getBackground()
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the background color of the shape.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the background color of the cell.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the background color of the column.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting background.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the background color of the row.
getBackground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the background color of the style.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the background color of the shape.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the background color of the cell.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the background color of the column.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting background.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the background color of the row.
getBackgroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the background color of the style.
getBaseField() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
If the field is part of a group, returns the base field.
getBasicColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ThemeColor
Returns the index of the basic color.
getBasicField() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelValueField
Returns the name of the field.
getBlur() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the blur of the shadow.
getBodyFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelFontScheme
Returns the name of the body font.
getBorderColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getBorderColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getBorderColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelPlotArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getBorderStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getBorderStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getBorderStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelPlotArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getBorderWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getBorderWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getBorderWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelPlotArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getBottomBevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the type of the bottom bevel.
getBottomBevelHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the height of the bottom bevel.
getBottomBevelWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the width of the bottom bevel.
getBottomColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting bottom border.
getBottomColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomLeftCellStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the bottom left cell.
getBottomMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the bottom margin of the paper.
getBottomRightCellStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the bottom right cell.
getBottomStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the bottom border.
getBottomStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the bottom border.
getBottomStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the style of the conditional formatting bottom border.
getBottomStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the bottom border.
getBottomStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the bottom border.
getBottomThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting bottom border.
getBottomThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBSEImage() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelImage
Internal use only.
getBubbleScale() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the scale of the bubble size compared to chart in general.
getBubbleSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns if the scale represents the area of bubbles or the width of bubbles.
getCapType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the cap type of the line.
getCategory() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the category property.
getChartTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the chart title.
getCircularReferences() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns a list of strings that contains information about the circular references inside the Excel document.
getColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the shadow color
getColorForTheme(ExcelTheme) - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ThemeColor
Returns the actual color for the specified theme.
getColorScheme() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelTheme
Returns the color scheme of the theme.
getColsNumber() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the number of columns in the range
getColumnHeaderTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the value to be displayed in column header in compact mode.
getColumnLabelsFieldAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field from the specified index in the column labels area.
getColumnMaxOutlineLevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelWorksheet
Returns the highest number of outline levels for columns in this sheet.
getColumnNumberFromLetters(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns the index of the column identified by sColumnName
getColumnNumberFromLetters(StringBuffer) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns the index of the column identified by sColumnName
getColumnWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns the default width of the columns.
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns the width of the specified column.
This method is overridden as getColumnWidth_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
getComment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the comment of the cell.
getComments() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the comments property.
getCompanyName() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the company name property.
getCompoundType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the compound type of the line.
getConditionAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the condition with the specified index.
getConditionType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the conditional formatting type.
getCopyTo() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelFilter
Returns the range where the matching rows of the criteria will be copied.
getCreationDate() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the date of creation.
getCriteriaRange() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelFilter
Returns the criteria range.
getCrossValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the crosses value of the axis.
getCurrentSheet() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the current sheet displayed when the document is loaded in Microsoft Excel.
getCustomName() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the name of the pivot table field.
getCustomName() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelValueField
Returns the name of the pivot table value field.
getCustomProperty(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns a custom property.
getDashType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the dash type of the line.
getDataHeaderTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the value to be displayed in value area header.
getDataLabels() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the data labels settings of the chart series.
getDataType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the data type of the cell.
getDataType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the data type of the column.
getDataType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the data type of the row.
getDataType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the data type of the style.
getDataType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaResult
Returns the formula data type.
getDescription() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
Returns the text that is shown in the table instead of the URL.
getDiagonalColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalDownStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the diagonal down border.
getDiagonalDownStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the diagonal down border.
getDiagonalDownStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the diagonal down border.
getDiagonalDownStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the diagonal down border.
getDiagonalThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the diagonal border.
getDiagonalUpStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the diagonal up border.
getDiagonalUpStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the diagonal up border.
getDiagonalUpStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the diagonal up border.
getDiagonalUpStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the diagonal up border.
getDistance() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the distance of the shadow.
getDocumentSummaryInformation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the document summary information of an Excel document.
getDoughnutHoleSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the size of the doughnut hole.
getEffectScheme() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelTheme
Returns the effect scheme of the theme.
getEmptyCellValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the text that is displayed in a cell instead of a blank cell.
getEncryptionType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelOptions
Returns the encryption type.
getErrorStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the "Error Alert" box style.
getErrorText() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the message of the "Error Alert"
getErrorTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the title of the "Error Alert"
getErrorValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the text that is displayed in a cell instead of the error message.
getEvenColumnStripesStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the even columns.
getEvenRowStripesStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the even rows.
getExcelDocument(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExternalLinks
Returns the Excel document specified by the link.
getExcelName(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns the ExcelName with the specified name.
getExternalLinks() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the list of the external links from the formulas inside the Excel document.
getField(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field having the specified name.
getFieldAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field from the specified index.
getFillFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the fill format of the chart area.
getFillFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.FillDrawingObject
Returns the fill format of the drawing shape.
getFirstColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the first column in the range
getFirstColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the first column index of the cells range.
getFirstColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the first column index of the cells range where the data group is located.
getFirstColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the first column of the cell range where the validation will be applied.
getFirstColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
A hyperlink is set on a rectangular area that can contain more than one cell and this function returns the index of the first column of the area
getFirstFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the conditional formatting first formula
getFirstFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the expression of the first formula.
getFirstPageNumber() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the starting page number.
getFirstRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the first row in the range
getFirstRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the first row index of the cells range.
getFirstRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the first row index of the cells range where the data group is located.
getFirstRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the first row of the cell range where the validation will be applied.
getFirstRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
A hyperlink is set on a rectangular area that can contain more than one cell and this function returns the index of the first row of the area.
getFirstSelectedSheet() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the first selected sheet.
getFirstSliceAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the angle of the first slice.
getFitToPagesHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the number of pages to fit in the page height.
getFitToPagesWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the number of pages to fit in the page width.
getFollowedHyperlinkColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Followed Hyperlink color.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFont()
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFont()
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFont()
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFont()
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the font name of the comment text.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the font name.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the name of the cell font.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the name of the column font.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the name of the row font.
getFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the name of the style font.
getFontFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.FontDrawingObject
Returns the font format of the drawing shape.
getFontFormat() - Method in interface EasyXLS.Drawings.IFontDrawingObject
Returns the font format of the drawing shape.
getFontScheme() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelTheme
Returns the font scheme of the theme.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFontSize()
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFontSize()
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFontSize()
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getFontSize()
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the font size of the comment text.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the size of the font.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the size of the cell font.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the size of the column font.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the size of the row font.
getFontSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the size of the style font.
getFooterMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the footer margin of the paper.
getFooterRowStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the footer row.
getFooterString() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelFooter
Returns the footer expression.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getForeground()
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getForeground()
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getForeground()
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getForeground()
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the foreground of the comment text.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the foreground color.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the font color.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the foreground color of the cell.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the foreground color of the column.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the foreground of the conditional formatting font.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the foreground color of the row.
getForeground() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the foreground color of the style.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the font color.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the foreground color of the cell.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the foreground color of the column.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the foreground of the conditional formatting font.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the foreground color of the row.
getForegroundThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the foreground color of the style.
getFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the number/date format of the cell.
getFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the number/date format of the column.
getFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the number/date format of the row.
getFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the number/date format of the style.
getFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelValueField
Returns the number format of the value field.
getFormattedValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the value of the cell according to the cell format applied.
getFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the formula of the array.
getFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelCalculatedField
Returns the formula of the pivot table field.
getFormulaResult() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Internal use only.
getFormulaResultValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the formula result if the cell contains a formula and the formula has been computed
getGradientAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the angle of the gradient.
getGradientAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the angle of the gradient.
getGradientColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the direction of the gradient fill.
getGradientDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the direction of the gradient line.
getGradientShadingStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the shading style of the gradient fill.
getGradientShadingStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the shading style of the gradient fill.
getGradientShadingStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the shading style of the gradient fill.
getGradientShadingStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the shading style of the gradient fill.
getGradientStopAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified position.
getGradientStopAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the gradient stop of the line at the specified position.
getGradientThemeColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor1() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the first color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientThemeColor2() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the second color of the gradient fill.
getGradientType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the gradient type of the gradient fill.
getGradientType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the gradient type of the gradient line.
getGrandTotalTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the value to be displayed for grand totals.
getGroupBy() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
If the field is part of a group, returns the group by option.
getGroupEndAt() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
If the field is part of a group, returns the end value for a group.
getGroupInterval() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
If the field is part of a group, returns the group interval.
getGroupStartAt() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
If the field is part of a group, returns the start value for a group.
getGroupType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the group per rows or columns option.
getHashedPassword() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelSheet
Returns the password hash used to verify the sheet password.
getHeaderMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the header margin of the paper.
getHeaderRowStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the header row.
getHeaderString() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHeader
Returns the header expression.
getHeadingFont() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelFontScheme
Returns the name of the heading font.
getHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Returns the height of the drawing object.
getHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the height of the row.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.AlignmentFormat
Returns the horizontal alignment of the text.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the horizontal alignment of the cell.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the horizontal alignment of the column.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the horizontal alignment of the row.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the horizontal alignment of the style.
getHorizontalOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Returns the horizontal offset of the drawing object
getHorizontalPageBreaks() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns a list with all horizontal page breaks
getHTMLText() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the value of the comment containing the tags used to set the rich text format in the comment.
getHTMLValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the value of the cell containing the tags used to set the rich text format in cells.
getHyperlinkBase() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the hyperlink base property.
getHyperlinkColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Hyperlink color.
getHyperlinkType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
Returns a string representing the hyperlink type.
getImageBytes() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelImage
Returns a byte array that represents the image.
getImagePath() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelImage
Returns the file path to image file.
getIndent() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the indent of the cell.
getIndent() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the indent of the column.
getIndent() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the indent of the row.
getIndent() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the indent of the style.
getIndexOf(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExternalLinks
Returns the index of the specified link.
getInputText() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the message of the "Input Message"
getInputTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the title of the "Input Message"
getJoinType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the join type of the line.
getKerningForFonts() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the kerning for fonts in points.
getKeysArrangementDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
Returns the direction in which the keys are arranged inside the legend: vertically or horizontally.
getKeywords() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the keywords property.
getLabel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by ExcelAxis.getAxisTitle()
getLabelFrequency() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the number of categories between tick-mark labels.
getLabelPosition() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataLabels
Returns the label position.
getLastColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the last column in the range
getLastColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the last column index of the cells range.
getLastColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the last column index of the cells range where the data group is located.
getLastColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the last column of the cell range where the validation will be applied.
getLastColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
A hyperlink is set on a rectangular area that can contain more than one cell and this function returns the index of the last column of the area
getLastPrinted() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the last printed property.
getLastRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the last row in the range
getLastRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the last row index of the cells range.
getLastRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataGroup
Returns the last row index of the cells range where the data group is located.
getLastRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the last row of the cell range where the validation will be applied.
getLastRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
A hyperlink is set on a rectangular area that can contain more than one cell and this function returns the index of the last row of the area
getLastSavedBy() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the last author property.
getLastSavedDate() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the date of last saved property.
getLeftColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting left border.
getLeftColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftColumnStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the left column.
getLeftMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the left margin of the paper.
getLeftStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the left border.
getLeftStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the left border.
getLeftStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the style of the conditional formatting left border.
getLeftStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the left border.
getLeftStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the left border.
getLeftThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting left border.
getLeftThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftUpperCornerColumn() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject2D
Returns the column number where the left upper corner of the drawing object is anchored
This method is applicable only to adding drawing objects to an ExcelWorksheet
getLeftUpperCornerRow() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject2D
Returns the row number where the left upper corner of the drawing object is anchored
This method is applicable only to adding drawing objects to an ExcelWorksheet
getLettersFromColumnNumber(int) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Formula
Returns the column name corresponding to the nColumnNumber index
getLicenseFile() - Method in class EasyXLS.License
Returns the license file name.
getLicenseFilePath() - Method in class EasyXLS.License
Returns the license file path, if available.
getLicenseSetup() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the license settings for the library.
getLicenseStream() - Method in class EasyXLS.License
Returns the license file stream, if available.
getLightAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the angle of the lights.
getLighting() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the lighting of the shape.
getLineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getLineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartGridlines
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getLineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getLineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineColorFormat.getLineColor()
getLineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the line color.
getLineColorFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the line color format of the chart area.
getLineColorFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.LineDrawingObject
Returns the line color format of the drawing shape.
getLinePattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the pattern of the line.
getLineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getLineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartGridlines
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getLineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getLineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getDashType()
getLineStyleFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the line style format of the chart area.
getLineStyleFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.LineDrawingObject
Returns the line style format of the drawing shape.
getLineThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the line color.
getLineWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getLineWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartGridlines
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getLineWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getLineWeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
As of version 8.3, replaced by LineStyleFormat.getWidth()
getLinkAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExternalLinks
Returns the link on the specified position.
getLinkLocation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaResult
Returns the link location (such as if the formula is a hyperlink.
getLinksDirty() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the links dirty property.
getListRange() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelFilter
Returns the list range.
getLocation() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the range where the pivot table is located.
getLuminanceModulation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ThemeColor
Returns the luminance modulation of the color.
getLuminanceOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ThemeColor
Returns the luminance offset of the color.
getMachineName() - Method in class EasyXLS.License
Returns the machine name where EasyXLS runs.
getMajorTickMarkType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the type of the major tick mark.
getMajorUnit() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the major unit of the value Y axis scale.
getManager() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the manager property.
getMarkerFillFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the fill formatting of the marker.
getMarkerLineColorFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the line color formatting of the marker.
getMarkerLineStyleFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the line style formatting of the marker.
getMarkerSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the marker size of the chart series.
getMarkerType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the marker type of the chart series.
getMaterial() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the material of the shape.
getMaximumChange() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelOptions
Returns the upper bound for values when the circular references are calculated.
getMaximumIterations() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelOptions
Returns the maximum number of iterations when the circular references are calculated.
getMaximumValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the maximum value of the value Y axis scale.
getMinimumValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the minimum value of the value Y axis scale.
getMinorTickMarkType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the type of the minor tick mark.
getMinorUnit() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the minor unit of the value Y axis scale.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the name of the chart series.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the pivot table name.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the name of the color scheme.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelEffectScheme
Returns the name of the effect scheme.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelFontScheme
Returns the name of the font scheme.
getName() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelTheme
Returns the name of the theme.
getNameText() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelName
Returns the title of the name.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the chart axis number format.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataLabels
Returns the data label number format.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the field number format.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaResult
Returns the formula number format.
getOddColumnStripesStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the odd columns.
getOddRowStripesStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the odd rows.
getOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the offset of the font for superscript and subscript options.
getOperator() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the conditional formatting operator.
getOperatorType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the operator type.
getOrientation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the page orientation.
getOriginalName() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the original name of source range column.
getOutlineLevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Internal use only
getOutlineLevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Internal use only
getPageOrder() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the print page order.
getPageWrap() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the number of fields to display before taking up another column or row.
getPaperSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the paper size.
getPasswordToModify() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelOptions
Returns the password required for modifying the document.
getPasswordToOpen() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelOptions
Returns the password required for opening the document.
getPattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the pattern fill.
getPattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the pattern of the cell.
getPattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the pattern of the column.
getPattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the pattern of the row.
getPattern() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the pattern of the style.
getPatternColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the pattern color of the cell.
getPatternColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the pattern color of the column.
getPatternColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the pattern color of the row.
getPatternColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the pattern color of the style.
getPatternThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the pattern color of the cell.
getPatternThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the pattern color of the column.
getPatternThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the pattern color of the row.
getPatternThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the pattern color of the style.
getPerspective() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
Returns the perspective of the camera.
getPieExplosion() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the pie explosion.
getPivotTable() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotChart
Returns the pivot table source.
getPlacement() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
Returns the position of the chart legend within the chart area.
getPosition() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelFooter
Returns the position of the footer.
getPosition() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHeader
Returns the position of the header.
getPrintArea() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Internal use only
getPrintComments() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the print comments option for the page.
getProductName() - Method in class EasyXLS.License
Returns the product name that is licensed with the OEM license key
getRange() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelConditionalFormatting
Returns the range where the conditional formatting will be aplied.
getRange() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the range where the validation will be aplied.
getRefersTo() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelName
Returns the formula of the range.
getRelativeHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Internal use only
getRelativeHorizontalOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Internal use only
getRelativeVerticalOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Internal use only
getRelativeWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Internal use only
getReportFilterFieldAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field from the specified index in the report filter area.
getRevisionNumber() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the revision number property.
getRightColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting right border.
getRightColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightColumnStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the right column.
getRightMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the right margin of the paper.
getRightStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the right border.
getRightStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the right border.
getRightStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the style of the conditional formatting right border.
getRightStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the right border.
getRightStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the right border.
getRightThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting right border.
getRightThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the right border.
getRightThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the right border.
getRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
Returns the rotation type of the shape.
getRotationDegrees() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by AlignmentFormat.getTextAngle()
getRowHeaderTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the value to be displayed in row header in compact mode.
getRowHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns the default height of the rows.
getRowHeight(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns the height of the specified row.
This method is overridden as getRowHeight_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
getRowLabelsFieldAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field from the specified index in the row labels area.
getRowLabelsIndent() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the indent of the rows in the row labels area when the pivot table report is in compact format.
getRowMaxOutlineLevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelWorksheet
Returns the highest number of outline levels for rows in this sheet.
getRowsNumber() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelArrayFormula
Returns the number of rows in the range
getScale() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.DocumentSummaryInformation
Returns the scale property.
getScalingFactor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the scaling factor.
getSecondFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the conditional formatting second formula
getSecondFormula() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the expression of the second formula.
getSecondPlotSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the size of the second plot.
getSeparator() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataLabels
Returns the label separator.
getShadowFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the shadow format of the chart area.
getShadowFormat() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.LineDrawingObject
Returns the shadow format of the drawing shape.
getShadowType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the shadow type of the shape.
getSheetIndex() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelName
Returns the sheet index of the name.
getSheetName() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelSheet
Returns the name of the sheet.
getShowEmptyRowsAs() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns how the data points for the hidden cells are displayed for the chart series.
getShowLegendKeyNextToLabel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataLabels
Returns a value representing the visibility of the legend key.
getShowLegendKeyNextToLabel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
As of version 8.5, replaced by ExcelDataLabels.getShowLegendKeyNextToLabel()
getSize() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the size of the shadow.
getSortOrder() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the sort order of the field data.
getSortOrder() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the sort order of the fields in pivot table.
getSourceRange() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the data source of the pivot table.
getSpacingBy() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the space between chars in points.
getSpacingType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the spacing of the characters.
getSplitPosition() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the split position, value or percentage value.
getSplitType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the split type.
getStackScale() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the scale for the stack option.
getStatus() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the status property.
getStretchBottomOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture from the bottom border of the shape.
getStretchLeftOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture from the left border of the shape
getStretchRightOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture from the right border of the shape.
getStretchTopOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture from the top border of the shape.
getStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChart
Returns the chart style.
getStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the cell.
getStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the column.
getStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the row.
getStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the style of the pivot table.
getSubject() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the subject property.
getSubtotal() - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelValueField
Returns the subtotal applied on the value field.
getSubtotalAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Returns the subtotal from the specified index.
getSummaryInformation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the summary information of an Excel document.
getTabColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelSheet
Returns the tab color.
getTableStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the table.
getTabThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelSheet
Returns the tab color.
getText() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelTitle
Returns the text of the title.
getText() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the text of the comment.
getTextAngle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.AlignmentFormat
Returns the rotation of the text.
getTextBackgroundDark1() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Text/Background-Dark 1 color.
getTextBackgroundDark2() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Text/Background-Dark 2 color.
getTextBackgroundLight1() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Text/Background-Light 1 color.
getTextBackgroundLight2() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ExcelColorScheme
Returns the Text/Background-Light 2 color.
getTextDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the text direction of the cell.
getTextDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the text direction of the column.
getTextDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the text direction of the row.
getTextDirection() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the text direction of the style
getTextMark() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
Returns the text mark value.
getTextRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the text rotation of the cell.
getTextRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the text rotation of the column.
getTextRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the text rotation of the row.
getTextRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the text rotation of the style.
getTexturePicture() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the image set as fill.
getTheme() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDocument
Returns the theme of an Office 2007 or later Excel document.
getThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the shadow color
getTickMarkLabel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the label of the tick mark.
getTickMarksFrequency() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
Returns the number of categories between tick marks.
getTileAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the alignment of the tiled picture.
getTileMirrorType() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the mirror type of the tiled picture.
getTileOffsetX() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture fill to the left (negative numbers) or the right (positive numbers).
getTileOffsetY() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the offset of the picture fill to the top (negative numbers) or to the bottom (positive numbers).
getTileScaleX() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the percentage for the horizontal scaling of the original image.
getTileScaleY() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the percentage for the vertical scaling of the original image.
getTint() - Method in class EasyXLS.Themes.ThemeColor
Returns the percent of color alteration.
getTitle() - Method in class EasyXLS.FileProperties.SummaryInformation
Returns the title property.
getTokens(String) - Static method in class EasyXLS.Util.FormulaParser
Returns a list of tokens after parsing a formula definition
getToolTip() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
Returns the tool tip text.
getTopBevel() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the type of the top bevel.
getTopBevelHeight() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the height of the top bevel.
getTopBevelWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Format3D
Returns the width of the top bevel.
getTopColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting top border.
getTopColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopLeftCellStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the top left cell.
getTopMargin() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelPageSetup
Returns the top margin of the paper.
getTopRightCellStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat
Returns the style applied to the top right cell.
getTopStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the style of the top border.
getTopStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the style of the top border.
getTopStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the style of the conditional formatting top border.
getTopStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the style of the top border.
getTopStyle_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the style of the top border.
getTopThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the color of the conditional formatting top border.
getTopThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopThemeColor_Border() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the color of the top border.
getTransparency() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Returns the transparency of the color.
getTransparency() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Returns the transparency of the color.
getTransparency() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
Returns the transparency of the shadow.
getUnderlineColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the color of the underline.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelAxis
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartArea
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelChartLegend
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelDataTable
As of version 8.3, replaced by FontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.ExcelComment
Returns the underline style of the comment text.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the underline style of the text.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the underline style of the cell font.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the underline style of the column font.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCondition
Returns the underline style of the conditional formatting font.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the underline style of the row font.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the underline style of the style font.
getUnderlineThemeColor() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FontFormat
Returns the color of the underline.
getURL() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelHyperlink
Return the URL value.
getValidationType() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelDataValidator
Returns the validation type.
getValue() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the value of the cell.
getValueField(String) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field having the specified name in the values area.
getValueFieldAt(int) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Returns the field from the specified index in the values area.
getValues() - Method in class EasyXLS.Charts.ExcelSeries
Returns the values of the chart series.
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.AlignmentFormat
Returns the vertical alignment of the text.
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Returns the vertical alignment of the cell.
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the vertical alignment of the column.
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Returns the vertical alignment of the row.
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelStyle
Returns the vertical alignment of the style.
getVerticalOffset() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Returns the vertical offset of the drawing object
getVerticalPageBreaks() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelTable
Returns a list with all vertical page breaks
getWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.DrawingObject
Returns the width of the drawing object.
getWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineStyleFormat
Returns the width of the line.
getWidth() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Returns the width of the column.
getXAxisRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
Returns the rotation of the X axis.
getXF() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelCell
Internal use only
getXF() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelColumn
Internal use only
getXF() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelRow
Internal use only
getYAxisRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
Returns the rotation of the Y axis.
getZAxisRotation() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
Returns the rotation of the Z axis.
getZoom() - Method in class EasyXLS.ExcelSheet
Returns the zoom of the sheet.
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal down with variant from bottom left corner to upper right corner for the gradient fill.
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal down with variant from corners to center for the gradient fill.
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal down with variant from upper right corner to bottom left corner for the gradient fill.
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal up with variant from bottom right corner to upper left corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_DIAGONAL_UP_CORNERS_TO_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal up with variant from corners to center for the gradient fill.
A constant indicating the shading style as diagonal up with variant from upper left corner to bottom right corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from center.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from center.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_TO_UPPER_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom left corner to upper right corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_TO_UPPER_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom left corner to upper right corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_UPPER_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom right corner to upper left corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_UPPER_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom right corner to upper left corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_LEFT_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper left corner to bottom right corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_LEFT_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper left corner to bottom right corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT_TO_BOTTOM_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper right corner to bottom left corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT_TO_BOTTOM_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper right corner to bottom left corner.
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_135_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 135 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_135_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 135 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_225_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 225 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_225_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 225 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_315_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 315 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_315_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 315 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_45_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 45 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_45_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 45 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DOWN_90_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear down gradient direction (a gradient angle of 90 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DOWN_90_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear down gradient direction (a gradient angle of 90 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_LEFT_180_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear left gradient direction (a gradient angle of 180 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_LEFT_180_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear left gradient direction (a gradient angle of 180 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_RIGHT_0_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear right gradient direction (a gradient angle of 0 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_RIGHT_0_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear right gradient direction (a gradient angle of 0 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_UP_270_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear up gradient direction (a gradient angle of 270 degrees).
GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_UP_270_DEGREES - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear up gradient direction (a gradient angle of 270 degrees).
GRADIENT_FILL_BRASS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the brass gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_CALM_WATER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the calm water gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_CHROME - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the chrome gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_CHROME_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the chrome II gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_DAYBREAK - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the daybreak gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_DEFAULT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the default gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_DESERT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the desert gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_EARLY_SUNSET - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the early sunset gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_FIRE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the fire gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_FOG - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the fog gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_GOLD - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gold gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_GOLD_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the gold II gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_HORIZON - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the horizon gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_LATE_SUNSET - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the late sunset gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_MAHOGANY - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the mahogany gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_MOSS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the moss gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_NIGHTFALL - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the nightfall gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_OCEAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the ocean gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_PARCHMENT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the parchment gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_PEACOCK - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the peacock gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_RAINBOW - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the rainbow gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_RAINBOW_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the rainbow II gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_SAPPHIRE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the sapphire gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_SILVER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the silver gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FILL_WHEAT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the wheat gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FROM_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style from bottom left corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FROM_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style from bottom right corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FROM_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style from center the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FROM_UPPER_LEFT_CORNER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style from upper left corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_FROM_UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style from upper right corner for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as horizontal with variant from bottom to top for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL_EDGES_TO_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as horizontal with variant from edges to center for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL_TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as horizontal with variant from top to bottom for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_LINE_BRASS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the brass gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_CALM_WATER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the calm water gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_CHROME - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the chrome gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_CHROME_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the chrome II gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_DAYBREAK - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the daybreak gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_DEFAULT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the default gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_DESERT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the desert gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_EARLY_SUNSET - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the early sunset gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_FIRE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the fire gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_FOG - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the fog gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_GOLD - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gold gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_GOLD_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the gold II gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_HORIZON - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the horizon gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_LATE_SUNSET - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the late sunset gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_MAHOGANY - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the mahogany gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_MOSS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the moss gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_NIGHTFALL - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the nightfall gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_OCEAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the ocean gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_PARCHMENT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the parchment gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_PEACOCK - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the peacock gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_RAINBOW - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the rainbow gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_RAINBOW_II - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the rainbow II gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_SAPPHIRE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the sapphire gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_SILVER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the silver gradient line.
GRADIENT_LINE_WHEAT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the wheat gradient line.
GRADIENT_NONE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating no gradient fill.
GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEAR - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the linear gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEAR - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the linear gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_PATH - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the path gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_PATH - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the path gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_RADIAL - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the radial gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_RADIAL - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the radial gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_RECTANGULAR - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
A constant indicating the rectangular gradient type.
GRADIENT_TYPE_RECTANGULAR - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
A constant indicating the rectangular gradient type.
GRADIENT_VERTICAL_EDGES_TO_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as vertical with variant from edges to center for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_VERTICAL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as vertical with variant from left to right for the gradient fill.
GRADIENT_VERTICAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.Fill
A constant indicating the shading style as vertical with variant from right to left for the gradient fill.
GradientStop - Class in EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting
This class stores the position, the color and the transparency of a stop for the gradient fill.
GradientStop(int, ThemeColor, int) - Constructor for class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.GradientStop
Defines an instance of the gradient stop having the specified position, color and transparency.
GradientStop(int, Color, int) - Constructor for class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.GradientStop
Defines an instance of the gradient stop having the specified position, color and transparency.
GradientStopCount() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.FillFormat
Counts the gradient stops of the shape fill.
GradientStopCount() - Method in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.LineColorFormat
Counts the gradient stops of the line.
GROUP_BY_COLUMNS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataGroup
A constant indicating that the data must be grouped by columns.
GROUP_BY_ROWS - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataGroup
A constant indicating that the data must be grouped by rows.
groupBy(bool, bool, String, String, String, String, double) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelField
Internal use only
groupDateField(String, bool, DateTime, bool, DateTime, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, bool, bool, bool) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Group a pivot table field of date time format.
groupNumericField(String, bool, double, bool, double, double) - Method in class EasyXLS.PivotTables.ExcelPivotTable
Group a pivot table field of numeric data type.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V 
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