FieldsFieldDescriptionAs of version 8.5As of version 8.5As of version 8.5As of version 8.5As of version 8.5As of version 8.5
MethodsMethodDescriptionAs of version 8.3, replaced by
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFontSize()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getForeground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byExcelAxis.getAxisTitle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byAlignmentFormat.getTextAngle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsBold()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsItalic()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsStrikethrough()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSubscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSuperscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setBold(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFont(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSettings(String,int,bool,bool,Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSize(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setForeground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setItalic(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byExcelTitle.setText(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byAlignmentFormat.setTextDirectionHorizontal(System.String, int)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setStrikethrough(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSubscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSuperscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setUnderlineSettings(String,bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byExcelChart.getChartTitle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byExcelTitle.setText(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.getBackground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFont()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFontSize()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getForeground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsBold()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsItalic()
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.HasShadow()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsStrikethrough()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSubscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSuperscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.setBackground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setBold(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFont(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSettings(String,int,bool,bool,Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSize(float)
)As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setForeground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setItalic(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.setShadow(int)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setStrikethrough(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSubscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSuperscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setUnderlineSettings(String,bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.getBackground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFont()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFontSize()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getForeground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsBold()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsItalic()
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.HasShadow()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsStrikethrough()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSubscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSuperscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.setBackground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setBold(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFont(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSettings(String,int,bool,bool,Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSize(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setForeground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setItalic(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.setShadow(int)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setStrikethrough(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSubscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSuperscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setUnderlineSettings(String,bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFont()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getFontSize()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getForeground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.getUnderlineStyle()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsBold()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsItalic()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsStrikethrough()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSubscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.IsSuperscript()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setBold(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFont(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSettings(String,int,bool,bool,Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setFontSize(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setForeground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setItalic(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setStrikethrough(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSubscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setSuperscript(bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFontFormat.setUnderlineSettings(String,bool)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.getBackground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.setBackground(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(System.String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.getBackground()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.getLineColor()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getDashType()
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.getWidth()
As of version 8.5, replaced byExcelDataLabels.getShowLegendKeyNextToLabel()
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.HasShadow()
As of version 8.3, replaced byFillFormat.setBackground(Color)
As of version 8.5, replaced byExcelSeries.setDataLabels(ExcelDataLabels)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineColorFormat.setLineColor(Color)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setDashType(String)
As of version 8.3, replaced byLineStyleFormat.setWidth(float)
As of version 8.3, replaced byShadowFormat.setShadow(int)
As of version 8.5, replaced byExcelDataLabels.setShowLegendKeyNextToLabel(bool)