Namespace EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting
Class FillFormat
public class FillFormat
extends System.Object
This class stores the fill options for images, shapes and other drawing objects. There are 6 types of fill extends no fill, solid fill, gradient fill,
picture or texture fill, pattern fill and automatic.
Constant Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionconst int
A constant indicating the gradient direction from center.const int
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom left corner to upper right corner.const int
A constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom right corner to upper left corner.const int
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper left corner to bottom right corner.const int
A constant indicating the gradient direction from upper right corner to bottom left corner.const int
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 135 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 225 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 315 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 45 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear down gradient direction (a gradient angle of 90 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear left gradient direction (a gradient angle of 180 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear right gradient direction (a gradient angle of 0 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the linear up gradient direction (a gradient angle of 270 degrees).const int
A constant indicating the brass gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the calm water gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the chrome gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the chrome II gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the daybreak gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the default gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the desert gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the early sunset gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the fire gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the fog gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the gold gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the gold II gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the horizon gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the late sunset gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the mahogany gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the moss gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the nightfall gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the ocean gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the parchment gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the peacock gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the rainbow gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the rainbow II gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the sapphire gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the silver gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the wheat gradient fill.const int
A constant indicating the linear gradient type.const int
A constant indicating the path gradient type.const int
A constant indicating the radial gradient type.const int
A constant indicating the rectangular gradient type.const int
A constant indicating the 10 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 20 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 25 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 30 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 40 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 5 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 50 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 60 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 70 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 75 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 80 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the 90 percent pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dark downward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dark horizontal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dark upward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dark vertical pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dashed downward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dashed horizontal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dashed upward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dashed vertical pattern.const int
A constant indicating the diagonal brick pattern.const int
A constant indicating the divot pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dotted diamond pattern.const int
A constant indicating the dotted grid pattern.const int
A constant indicating the horizontal brick pattern.const int
A constant indicating the large checker board pattern.const int
A constant indicating the large confetti pattern.const int
A constant indicating the large grid pattern.const int
A constant indicating the light downward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the light horizontal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the light upward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the light vertical pattern.const int
A constant indicating the narrow horizontal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the narrow vertical pattern.const int
A constant indicating that no pattern is set.const int
A constant indicating the outlined diamond pattern.const int
A constant indicating the plaid pattern.const int
A constant indicating the shingle pattern.const int
A constant indicating the small checker board pattern.const int
A constant indicating the small confetti pattern.const int
A constant indicating the small grid pattern.const int
A constant indicating the solid pattern.const int
A constant indicating the solid diamond pattern.const int
A constant indicating the sphere pattern.const int
A constant indicating the trellis pattern.const int
A constant indicating the wave pattern.const int
A constant indicating the weave pattern.const int
A constant indicating the wide downward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the wide upward diagonal pattern.const int
A constant indicating the zig zag pattern.const int
A constant indicating the blue tissue paper texture.const int
A constant indicating the bouquet texture.const int
A constant indicating the brown marble texture.const int
A constant indicating the canvas texture.const int
A constant indicating the cork texture.const int
A constant indicating the denim texture.const int
A constant indicating the fish fosil texture.const int
A constant indicating the granite texture.const int
A constant indicating the green marble texture.const int
A constant indicating the medium wood texture.const int
A constant indicating the newsprint texture.const int
A constant indicating the oak texture.const int
A constant indicating the paper bag texture.const int
A constant indicating the papyrus texture.const int
A constant indicating the parchment texture.const int
A constant indicating the pink tissue paper texture.const int
A constant indicating the purple mesh texture.const int
A constant indicating the recycled paper texture.const int
A constant indicating the sand texture.const int
A constant indicating the stationery texture.const int
A constant indicating the walnut texture.const int
A constant indicating the water droplets texture.const int
A constant indicating the white marble texture.const int
A constant indicating the woven mat texture.const System.String
A constant indicating the bottom tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the bottom left tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the bottom right tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the center tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the left tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the right tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the top tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the top left tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the top right tiling alignment.const System.String
A constant indicating the horizontal and vertical tiling mirror type.const System.String
A constant indicating the horizontal tiling mirror type.const System.String
A constant indicating that no tiling mirror type is set.const System.String
A constant indicating the vertical tiling mirror type. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
addGradientStop(int position, ThemeColor color, int transparency)
Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill, having a specified position, color and transparency.
This method is overridden as addGradientStop_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
addGradientStop(int position, System.Drawing.Color color, int transparency)
Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill, having a specified position, color and transparency.void
addGradientStop(GradientStop stop)
Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill.
This method is overridden as addGradientStop_3 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
Creates and returns a copy of this object.System.Drawing.Color
Returns the background color of the shape.Returns the background color of the shape.System.Drawing.Color
Returns the foreground color.float
Returns the angle of the
Returns the direction of the gradient fill.getGradientStopAt(int stop)
Returns the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified
Returns the gradient type of the gradient
Returns the pattern fill.float
Returns the offset of the picture from the bottom border of the shape.float
Returns the offset of the picture from the left border of the shapefloat
Returns the offset of the picture from the right border of the shape.float
Returns the offset of the picture from the top border of the shape.Returns the image set as fill.System.String
Returns the alignment of the tiled picture.System.String
Returns the mirror type of the tiled picture.float
Returns the offset of the picture fill to the left (negative numbers) or the right (positive numbers).float
Returns the offset of the picture fill to the top (negative numbers) or to the bottom (positive numbers).float
Returns the percentage for the horizontal scaling of the original image.float
Returns the percentage for the vertical scaling of the original
Returns the transparency of the
Counts the gradient stops of the shape fill.bool
Returns true if automatic fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if gradient fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if no fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if pattern fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if picture fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if rotate with shape is active, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if solid fill is set, false otherwise.bool
Returns true if the picture is tiled as texture, false otherwise.void
removeGradientStopAt(int stop)
Removes the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified position.void
setAutomatic(bool isAutomatic)
Sets the automatic option of the shape.void
setBackground(ThemeColor themeColor)
Sets the background color of the shape.
This method is overridden as setBackground_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
setBackground(System.Drawing.Color background)
Sets the background color of the shape.void
setForeground(System.Drawing.Color foreground)
Sets the foreground color.void
setGradientAngle(float angle)
Sets the angle of the gradient.void
setGradientDirection(int direction)
Sets the direction for the gradient fill.void
setGradientFill(int presetColors)
Sets a predefined subset of colors for the gradient.void
setGradientType(int type)
Sets the gradient type of the gradient fill.void
setNoFill(bool noFill)
Sets no fill for the shape.void
setPattern(int pattern)
Sets the pattern fill.void
setPictureFill(ExcelImage xlsImage, int transparency)
Sets the picture fill for the shape.
This method is overridden as setPictureFill_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
setPictureFill(System.String path, int transparency)
Sets the picture fill for the shape.void
setRotateWithShape(bool isRotateWithShape)
Sets the rotate with shape option of the shape.void
setSolidFill(ThemeColor background, int transparency)
Sets the solid fill for the shape.
This method is overridden as setSolidFill_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
setSolidFill(System.Drawing.Color background, int transparency)
Sets the solid fill for the shape.void
setStretchOptions(float leftOffset, float rightOffset, float topOffset, float bottomOffset)
Sets the stretch options for the texture.void
setTextureFill(int presetTexture)
Sets a predefined texture for the shape.void
setTilingOptions(float offsetX, float offsetY, float scaleX, float scaleY, System.String alignment, System.String mirrorType)
Sets the tiling options for the picture fill.Methods inherited from class System.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Field Details
public const final int PATTERN_NONEA constant indicating that no pattern is set. Embedded value is "255".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SOLIDA constant indicating the solid pattern. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_5_PERCENTA constant indicating the 5 percent pattern. Embedded value is "196".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_50_PERCENTA constant indicating the 50 percent pattern. Embedded value is "197".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LIGHT_DOWNWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the light downward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "198".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LIGHT_VERTICALA constant indicating the light vertical pattern. Embedded value is "199".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DASHED_DOWNWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the dashed downward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "200".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_ZIG_ZAGA constant indicating the zig zag pattern. Embedded value is "201".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DIVOTA constant indicating the divot pattern. Embedded value is "202".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SMALL_GRIDA constant indicating the small grid pattern. Embedded value is "203".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_10_PERCENTA constant indicating the 10 percent pattern. Embedded value is "204".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_60_PERCENTA constant indicating the 60 percent pattern. Embedded value is "205".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LIGHT_UPWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the light upward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "206".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LIGHT_HORIZONTALA constant indicating the light horizontal pattern. Embedded value is "207".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DASHED_UPWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the dashed upward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "208".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_WAVEA constant indicating the wave pattern. Embedded value is "209".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DOTTED_GRIDA constant indicating the dotted grid pattern. Embedded value is "210".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LARGE_GRIDA constant indicating the large grid pattern. Embedded value is "211".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_20_PERCENTA constant indicating the 20 percent pattern. Embedded value is "212".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_70_PERCENTA constant indicating the 70 percent pattern. Embedded value is "213".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DARK_DOWNWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the dark downward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "214".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_NARROW_VERTICALA constant indicating the narrow vertical pattern. Embedded value is "215".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DASHED_HORIZONTALA constant indicating the dashed horizontal pattern. Embedded value is "216".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DIAGONAL_BRICKA constant indicating the diagonal brick pattern. Embedded value is "217".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DOTTED_DIAMONDA constant indicating the dotted diamond pattern. Embedded value is "218".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SMALL_CHECKER_BOARDA constant indicating the small checker board pattern. Embedded value is "219".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_25_PERCENTA constant indicating the 25 percent pattern. Embedded value is "220".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_75_PERCENTA constant indicating the 75 percent pattern. Embedded value is "221".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DARK_UPWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the dark upward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "222".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_NARROW_HORIZONTALA constant indicating the narrow horizontal pattern. Embedded value is "223".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DASHED_VERTICALA constant indicating the dashed vertical pattern. Embedded value is "224".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_BRICKA constant indicating the horizontal brick pattern. Embedded value is "225".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SHINGLEA constant indicating the shingle pattern. Embedded value is "226".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LARGE_CHECKER_BOARDA constant indicating the large checker board pattern. Embedded value is "227".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_30_PERCENTA constant indicating the 30 percent pattern. Embedded value is "228".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_80_PERCENTA constant indicating the 80 percent pattern. Embedded value is "229".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_WIDE_DOWNWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the wide downward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "230".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DARK_VERTICALA constant indicating the dark vertical pattern. Embedded value is "231".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SMALL_CONFETTIA constant indicating the small confetti pattern. Embedded value is "232".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_WEAVEA constant indicating the weave pattern. Embedded value is "233".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_TRELLISA constant indicating the trellis pattern. Embedded value is "234".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_OUTLINED_DIAMONDA constant indicating the outlined diamond pattern. Embedded value is "235".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_40_PERCENTA constant indicating the 40 percent pattern. Embedded value is "236".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_90_PERCENTA constant indicating the 90 percent pattern. Embedded value is "237".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_WIDE_UPWARD_DIAGONALA constant indicating the wide upward diagonal pattern. Embedded value is "238".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_DARK_HORIZONTALA constant indicating the dark horizontal pattern. Embedded value is "239".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_LARGE_CONFETTIA constant indicating the large confetti pattern. Embedded value is "240".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_PLAIDA constant indicating the plaid pattern. Embedded value is "241".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SPHEREA constant indicating the sphere pattern. Embedded value is "242".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int PATTERN_SOLID_DIAMONDA constant indicating the solid diamond pattern. Embedded value is "243".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_DEFAULTA constant indicating the default gradient fill. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_EARLY_SUNSETA constant indicating the early sunset gradient fill. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_LATE_SUNSETA constant indicating the late sunset gradient fill. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_NIGHTFALLA constant indicating the nightfall gradient fill. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_DAYBREAKA constant indicating the daybreak gradient fill. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_HORIZONA constant indicating the horizon gradient fill. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_DESERTA constant indicating the desert gradient fill. Embedded value is "6".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_OCEANA constant indicating the ocean gradient fill. Embedded value is "7".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_CALM_WATERA constant indicating the calm water gradient fill. Embedded value is "8".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_FIREA constant indicating the fire gradient fill. Embedded value is "9".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_FOGA constant indicating the fog gradient fill. Embedded value is "10".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_MOSSA constant indicating the moss gradient fill. Embedded value is "11".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_PEACOCKA constant indicating the peacock gradient fill. Embedded value is "12".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_WHEATA constant indicating the wheat gradient fill. Embedded value is "13".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_PARCHMENTA constant indicating the parchment gradient fill. Embedded value is "14".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_MAHOGANYA constant indicating the mahogany gradient fill. Embedded value is "15".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_RAINBOWA constant indicating the rainbow gradient fill. Embedded value is "16".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_RAINBOW_IIA constant indicating the rainbow II gradient fill. Embedded value is "17".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_GOLDA constant indicating the gold gradient fill. Embedded value is "18".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_GOLD_IIA constant indicating the gold II gradient fill. Embedded value is "19".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_BRASSA constant indicating the brass gradient fill. Embedded value is "20".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_CHROMEA constant indicating the chrome gradient fill. Embedded value is "21".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_CHROME_IIA constant indicating the chrome II gradient fill. Embedded value is "22".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_SILVERA constant indicating the silver gradient fill. Embedded value is "23".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_FILL_SAPPHIREA constant indicating the sapphire gradient fill. Embedded value is "24".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEARA constant indicating the linear gradient type. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_TYPE_RADIALA constant indicating the radial gradient type. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_TYPE_RECTANGULARA constant indicating the rectangular gradient type. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_TYPE_PATHA constant indicating the path gradient type. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_45_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 45 degrees). Embedded value is "45".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DOWN_90_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear down gradient direction (a gradient angle of 90 degrees). Embedded value is "90".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_135_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 135 degrees). Embedded value is "135".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_RIGHT_0_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear right gradient direction (a gradient angle of 0 degrees). Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_LEFT_180_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear left gradient direction (a gradient angle of 180 degrees). Embedded value is "180".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_315_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 315 degrees). Embedded value is "315".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_UP_270_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear up gradient direction (a gradient angle of 270 degrees). Embedded value is "270".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_LINEAR_DIAGONAL_225_DEGREESA constant indicating the linear diagonal gradient direction (a gradient angle of 225 degrees). Embedded value is "225".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_LEFT_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHTA constant indicating the gradient direction from upper left corner to bottom right corner. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT_TO_BOTTOM_LEFTA constant indicating the gradient direction from upper right corner to bottom left corner. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CENTERA constant indicating the gradient direction from center. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_TO_UPPER_RIGHTA constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom left corner to upper right corner. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int GRADIENT_DIRECTION_FROM_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_UPPER_LEFTA constant indicating the gradient direction from bottom right corner to upper left corner. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_PAPYRUSA constant indicating the papyrus texture. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_CANVASA constant indicating the canvas texture. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_DENIMA constant indicating the denim texture. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_WOVEN_MATA constant indicating the woven mat texture. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_WATER_DROPLETSA constant indicating the water droplets texture. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_PAPER_BAGA constant indicating the paper bag texture. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_FISH_FOSILA constant indicating the fish fosil texture. Embedded value is "6".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_SANDA constant indicating the sand texture. Embedded value is "7".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_GREEN_MARBLEA constant indicating the green marble texture. Embedded value is "8".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_WHITE_MARBLEA constant indicating the white marble texture. Embedded value is "9".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_BROWN_MARBLEA constant indicating the brown marble texture. Embedded value is "10".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_GRANITEA constant indicating the granite texture. Embedded value is "11".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_NEWSPRINTA constant indicating the newsprint texture. Embedded value is "12".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_RECYCLED_PAPERA constant indicating the recycled paper texture. Embedded value is "13".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_PARCHMENTA constant indicating the parchment texture. Embedded value is "14".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_STATIONERYA constant indicating the stationery texture. Embedded value is "15".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_BLUE_TISSUE_PAPERA constant indicating the blue tissue paper texture. Embedded value is "16".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_PINK_TISSUE_PAPERA constant indicating the pink tissue paper texture. Embedded value is "17".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_PURPLE_MESHA constant indicating the purple mesh texture. Embedded value is "18".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_BOUQUETA constant indicating the bouquet texture. Embedded value is "19".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_CORKA constant indicating the cork texture. Embedded value is "20".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_WALNUTA constant indicating the walnut texture. Embedded value is "21".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_OAKA constant indicating the oak texture. Embedded value is "22".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int TEXTURE_MEDIUM_WOODA constant indicating the medium wood texture. Embedded value is "23".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_TOP_LEFTA constant indicating the top left tiling alignment. Embedded value is "tl".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_TOPA constant indicating the top tiling alignment. Embedded value is "t".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_TOP_RIGHTA constant indicating the top right tiling alignment. Embedded value is "tr".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_LEFTA constant indicating the left tiling alignment. Embedded value is "l".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_CENTERA constant indicating the center tiling alignment. Embedded value is "ctr".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_RIGHTA constant indicating the right tiling alignment. Embedded value is "r".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM_LEFTA constant indicating the bottom left tiling alignment. Embedded value is "bl".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOMA constant indicating the bottom tiling alignment. Embedded value is "b".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM_RIGHTA constant indicating the bottom right tiling alignment. Embedded value is "br".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_MIRROR_TYPE_NONEA constant indicating that no tiling mirror type is set. Embedded value is "none".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_MIRROR_TYPE_HORIZONTALA constant indicating the horizontal tiling mirror type. Embedded value is "x".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_MIRROR_TYPE_VERTICALA constant indicating the vertical tiling mirror type. Embedded value is "y".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String TILING_MIRROR_TYPE_BOTHA constant indicating the horizontal and vertical tiling mirror type. Embedded value is "xy".- See Also:
- Constant Values
Constructor Details
public FillFormat()Defines an instance of the fill formatting.
Method Details
public bool IsNoFill()Returns true if no fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if no fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
public void setNoFill(bool noFill)Sets no fill for the shape. Clears all the formatting if true, sets to automatic otherwise.- Parameters:
- true if no fill is set, false otherwise- See Also:
public bool IsSolidFill()Returns true if solid fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if solid fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
setSolidFill(Color, int)
,setSolidFill(ThemeColor, int)
public void setSolidFill(System.Drawing.Color background, int transparency)Sets the solid fill for the shape.- Parameters:
- the color of the shapetransparency
- the transparency of the color- See Also:
,setSolidFill(ThemeColor, int)
Sets the solid fill for the shape.
This method is overridden as setSolidFill_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
- Parameters:
- the color of the shapetransparency
- the transparency of the color- See Also:
,setSolidFill(Color, int)
public int getTransparency()Returns the transparency of the color.- Returns:
- the transparency of the color
- See Also:
public System.Drawing.Color getBackground()Returns the background color of the shape.- Returns:
- the background color of the shape
- See Also:
Returns the background color of the shape.- Returns:
- the background color of the shape
- See Also:
public void setBackground(System.Drawing.Color background)Sets the background color of the shape.- Parameters:
- the background color of the shape- See Also:
Sets the background color of the shape.
This method is overridden as setBackground_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
- Parameters:
- the background color of the shape- See Also:
public void setPattern(int pattern)Sets the pattern fill. Valid only for Office 97-2003 documents. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Parameters:
- the pattern fill- See Also:
public int getPattern()Returns the pattern fill. Valid only for Office 97-2003 documents. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Returns:
- the pattern fill
- See Also:
public void setForeground(System.Drawing.Color foreground)Sets the foreground color. The foreground is applied only if a pattern is set. Valid only for Office 97-2003 documents.- Parameters:
- the foreground color- See Also:
public System.Drawing.Color getForeground()Returns the foreground color. The foreground is applied only if a pattern is set. Valid only for Office 97-2003 documents.- Returns:
- the foreground color
- See Also:
public bool IsPatternFill()Returns true if pattern fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if pattern fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
public bool IsGradientFill()Returns true if gradient fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if gradient fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
,addGradientStop(int, Color, int)
,addGradientStop(int, ThemeColor, int)
public int getGradientType()Returns the gradient type of the gradient fill. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Returns:
- the gradient type of the gradient fill
- See Also:
public void setGradientType(int type)Sets the gradient type of the gradient fill. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Parameters:
- the gradient type of the gradient fill- See Also:
,addGradientStop(int, Color, int)
,addGradientStop(int, ThemeColor, int)
public float getGradientAngle()Returns the angle of the gradient.- Returns:
- the angle of the gradient
- See Also:
public void setGradientAngle(float angle)Sets the angle of the gradient.- Parameters:
- the angle of the gradient- See Also:
public int getGradientDirection()Returns the direction of the gradient fill. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Returns:
- the direction of the gradient fill
- See Also:
public void setGradientDirection(int direction)Sets the direction for the gradient fill. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Parameters:
- the gradient direction of the gradient fill- See Also:
public void setGradientFill(int presetColors)Sets a predefined subset of colors for the gradient. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Parameters:
- the built-in gradient- See Also:
public void addGradientStop(int position, System.Drawing.Color color, int transparency)Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill, having a specified position, color and transparency.- Parameters:
- the gradient stop position from where the gradient to startcolor
- the gradient colortransparency
- the gradient stop transparency- See Also:
Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill, having a specified position, color and transparency.
This method is overridden as addGradientStop_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
- Parameters:
- the gradient stop position from where the gradient to startcolor
- the gradient colortransparency
- the gradient stop transparency- See Also:
Adds a gradient stop to the shape fill that is set as gradient fill.
This method is overridden as addGradientStop_3 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
- Parameters:
- the gradient stop- See Also:
Returns the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified position.- Parameters:
- the gradient stop of the shape- Returns:
- the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified position
- See Also:
public void removeGradientStopAt(int stop)Removes the gradient stop of the shape fill at the specified position.- Parameters:
- the gradient stop of the shape fill- See Also:
public int GradientStopCount()Counts the gradient stops of the shape fill.- Returns:
- the number of gradient stops for the shape fill
- See Also:
public bool IsRotateWithShape()Returns true if rotate with shape is active, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if rotate with shape is active, false otherwise
- See Also:
public void setRotateWithShape(bool isRotateWithShape)Sets the rotate with shape option of the shape.- Parameters:
- the rotate with shape option of the shape- See Also:
public bool IsPictureFill()Returns true if picture fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if picture fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
setPictureFill(String, int)
,setPictureFill(ExcelImage, int)
public void setPictureFill(System.String path, int transparency)Sets the picture fill for the shape.- Parameters:
- the file path to image filetransparency
- the transparency of the picture- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
Sets the picture fill for the shape.
This method is overridden as setPictureFill_2 in COM+ version of EasyXLS.
- Parameters:
- the image to be settransparency
- the transparency of the picture- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public void setTextureFill(int presetTexture)Sets a predefined texture for the shape. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- Parameters:
- the texture to be set- See Also:
setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
,setPictureFill(String, int)
,setPictureFill(ExcelImage, int)
Returns the image set as fill.- Returns:
- the image set as fill
- See Also:
,setPictureFill(String, int)
,setPictureFill(ExcelImage, int)
public bool IsTilePictureAsTexture()Returns true if the picture is tiled as texture, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if the picture is tiled as texture, false otherwise.
- See Also:
,setPictureFill(String, int)
,setPictureFill(ExcelImage, int)
public void setTilingOptions(float offsetX, float offsetY, float scaleX, float scaleY, System.String alignment, System.String mirrorType)Sets the tiling options for the picture fill.- Parameters:
- shifts the entire tiled picture fill to the left (negative numbers) or the right (positive numbers)offsetY
- shifts the entire tiled picture fill up (negative numbers) or down (positive numbers)scaleX
- specifies a percentage for the horizontal scaling of the original imagescaleY
- specifies a percentage for the vertical scaling of the original imagealignment
- describes the anchor position where the picture tiling begins. Possible values are available inFillFormat
- specifies whether the alternating horizontal or vertical tiles display a mirror or flip image with every other tile. Possible values are available inFillFormat
class.- See Also:
setPictureFill(String, int)
,setPictureFill(ExcelImage, int)
public void setStretchOptions(float leftOffset, float rightOffset, float topOffset, float bottomOffset)Sets the stretch options for the texture.- Parameters:
- specifies a percentage to shift the entire picture from the left border of the shaperightOffset
- specifies a percentage to shift the entire picture from the right border of the shapetopOffset
- specifies a percentage to shift the entire picture from the top border of the shapebottomOffset
- specifies a percentage to shift the entire picture from the bottom border of the shape- See Also:
public float getTileOffsetX()Returns the offset of the picture fill to the left (negative numbers) or the right (positive numbers).- Returns:
- the offset of the picture fill to the left (negative numbers) or the right (positive numbers)
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public float getTileOffsetY()Returns the offset of the picture fill to the top (negative numbers) or to the bottom (positive numbers).- Returns:
- the offset of the picture fill to the top (negative numbers) or to the bottom (positive numbers)
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public float getTileScaleX()Returns the percentage for the horizontal scaling of the original image.- Returns:
- the percentage for the horizontal scaling of the original image
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public float getTileScaleY()Returns the percentage for the vertical scaling of the original image.- Returns:
- the percentage for the vertical scaling of the original image
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public System.String getTileAlignment()Returns the alignment of the tiled picture.- Returns:
- the alignment of the tiled picture
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public System.String getTileMirrorType()Returns the mirror type of the tiled picture.- Returns:
- the mirror type of the tiled picture
- See Also:
,setTilingOptions(float, float, float, float, System.String, System.String)
public float getStretchLeftOffset()Returns the offset of the picture from the left border of the shape- Returns:
- the offset of the picture from the left border of the shape
- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
public float getStretchRightOffset()Returns the offset of the picture from the right border of the shape.- Returns:
- the offset of the picture from the right border of the shape
- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
public float getStretchTopOffset()Returns the offset of the picture from the top border of the shape.- Returns:
- the offset of the picture from the top border of the shape
- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
public float getStretchBottomOffset()Returns the offset of the picture from the bottom border of the shape.- Returns:
- the offset of the picture from the bottom border of the shape
- See Also:
,setStretchOptions(float, float, float, float)
public bool IsAutomatic()Returns true if automatic fill is set, false otherwise.- Returns:
- true if automatic fill is set, false otherwise
- See Also:
public void setAutomatic(bool isAutomatic)Sets the automatic option of the shape.- Parameters:
- whether automatic option is set- See Also:
Creates and returns a copy of this object.- Returns:
- a clone of this instance.