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OBLIQUE_BOTTOM_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
A constant indicating the oblique bottom left rotation.
OBLIQUE_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
A constant indicating the oblique bottom right rotation.
OBLIQUE_TOP_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
A constant indicating the oblique top left rotation.
OBLIQUE_TOP_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
A constant indicating the oblique top right rotation.
OFFSET_BOTTOM - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset bottom shadow.
OFFSET_CENTER - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset center shadow.
OFFSET_DIAGONAL_BOTTOM_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset diagonal bottom left shadow.
OFFSET_DIAGONAL_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset diagonal bottom right shadow.
OFFSET_DIAGONAL_TOP_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset diagonal top left shadow.
OFFSET_DIAGONAL_TOP_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset diagonal top right shadow.
OFFSET_LEFT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset left shadow.
OFFSET_RIGHT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset right shadow.
OFFSET_TOP - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.ShadowFormat
A constant indicating the offset top shadow.
OPERATOR_BETWEEN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "between" operator.
OPERATOR_BETWEEN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "between" operator.
OPERATOR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "greater than" operator.
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "greater than to" operator.
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "greater than or equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "greater than or equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "less than" operator.
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "less than" operator.
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "less than or equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "less than or equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_NO_COMPARATION - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "no comparison" operator.
OPERATOR_NOT_BETWEEN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "not between" operator.
OPERATOR_NOT_BETWEEN - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "not between" operator.
OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.ConditionalFormatting
A constant indicating the "not equal to" operator.
OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL_TO - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.DataValidator
A constant indicating the "non equal to" operator.
ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.PageSetup
A constant indicating that page will be printed in landscape mode.
ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Constants.PageSetup
A constant indicating that page will be printed in portrait mode.
ORTHOGRAPHIC_FRONT - Constant in class EasyXLS.Drawings.Formatting.Rotation3D
A constant indicating the orthographic front rotation.
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All Classes|All Namespaces|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API