Namespace EasyXLS.Constants
Class Chart
public class Chart
extends System.Object
This class contains the constants used for creating charts.
Constant Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionconst int
A constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated above of the chart for X axis or on the right side of the chart for Y axis.const int
A constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated on bottom of the chart for X axis or on the left side of the chart for Y axis.const int
A constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated next to the axis.const int
A constant indicating that there are no tick mark labels for axis.const int
A constant indicating that the tick mark is present both inside and outside.const int
A constant indicating that the tick mark is present only inside.const int
A constant indicating that there are no tick marks for axis.const int
A constant indicating that the tick mark is present only outside.const short
A constant indicating that the bubble size represents the area of bubbles.const short
A constant indicating that the bubble size represents the width of bubbles.const int
A constant indicating an Area chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% Stacked Area chart.const int
A constant indicating an Area with a 3D visual effect chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% Stacked Area chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a Stacked Area with a 3D visual effect chart.const int
A constant indicating a Stacked Area chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a clustered bar chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a clustered bar chart.const int
A constant indicating a bar of pie chart.const int
A constant indicating a stacked bar chart.const int
A constant indicating a bubble chart.const int
A constant indicating a bubble chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart.const int
A constant indicating a 3D column chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a clustered column chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a stacked column chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating a clustered column chart.const int
A constant indicating a stacked column chart.const int
A constant indicating a bar chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a column chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 3D column chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked column chart with a conical shape.const int
A constant indicating a bar chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a column chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a 3D column chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked column chart with a cylindrical shape.const int
A constant indicating a doughnut chart.const int
A constant indicating an exploded doughnut chart.const int
A constant indicating a line chart.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked line chart.const int
A constant indicating an 100% stacked line chart with markers displayed at each data value.const int
A constant indicating a 3D line chart.const int
A constant indicating a line chart with markers displayed at each data value.const int
A constant indicating a stacked line chart.const int
A constant indicating a stacked line chart with markers displayed at each data value.const int
A constant indicating a pie chart.const int
A constant indicating a pie chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating an exploded pie chart with a 3D visual effect.const int
A constant indicating an exploded pie chart.const int
A constant indicating a pie of pie chart.const int
A constant indicating a bar chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a column chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a 3D column chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a stacked column chart with a pyramid shape.const int
A constant indicating a radar chart.const int
A constant indicating a filled radar chart.const int
A constant indicating a radar chart with markers at each data point.const int
A constant indicating a scatter chart.const int
A constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by lines without markers.const int
A constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by lines with markers.const int
A constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by smoothed lines without markers.const int
A constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by smoothed lines with markers.const int
A constant indicating a stock high-low-close chart.const int
A constant indicating a stock open-high-low-close chart.const int
A constant indicating a stock volume-high-low-close chart.const int
A constant indicating a stock volume-open-high-low-close chart.const int
A constant indicating a 3D surface chart.const int
A constant indicating a wireframe 3D surface chart.const int
A constant indicating a contour chart.const int
A constant indicating a wireframe contour chart without color.const System.Drawing.Color
A constant indicating that the color is none.const System.String
A constant indicating the above position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the automatic position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the below position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the best fit position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the center position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the inside base position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the inside end position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the left position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the outside end position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the right position for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the comma separator for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the new line separator for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the period separator for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the semicolon separator for the data labels.const System.String
A constant indicating the space separator for the data labels.const int
A constant indicating that the keys are arranged horizontally in the legend area.const int
A constant indicating that the keys are arranged vertically in the legend area.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed at the bottom of the chart.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed at the top right corner of the chart.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed at the left margin of the chart.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed in an unknown position in the chart area.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed at the right margin of the chart.const int
A constant indicating that the legend is placed at the top of the chart.const int
A constant indicating that the line has dark gray color.const int
A constant indicating that the line is a dashed line.const int
A constant indicating that the line is a dash dot line.const int
A constant indicating that the line is a dash dot dot line.const int
A constant indicating that the line is a dotted line.const int
A constant indicating that the line has light gray color.const int
A constant indicating that the line has medium gray color.const int
A constant indicating that the line is not visible.const int
A constant indicating that the line is a solid line.const int
A constant indicating that the line weight is hairline.const int
A constant indicating that the line weight is medium.const int
A constant indicating that the line weight is narrow.const int
A constant indicating that the line weight is wide.const int
A constant indicating that the line weight is zero.const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
Deprecated.As of version 8.5const int
A constant indicating that the series is in columns.const int
A constant indicating that the series is in rows.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is automatic.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is circle.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is diamond.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is Dow Jones.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is none.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is plus sign.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is square.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is standard deviation.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is star.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is triangle.const int
A constant indicating that the series marker type is X.const short
A constant indicating that the empty cells and its corresponding data points are connected with lines (interpolated) when the chart series is displayed.const short
A constant indicating that the empty cells are shown with gaps when the chart series is displayed.const short
A constant indicating that the empty cells are shown as zero when the chart series is displayed.const short
A constant indicating that the series is splited by percentage value.const short
A constant indicating that the series is splited by position.const short
A constant indicating that the series is splited by value. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class System.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Field Details
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_CLUSTEREDA constant indicating a clustered column chart. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked column chart. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart. It compares the percentage each value contributes to a total across categories. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_3D_CLUSTEREDA constant indicating a clustered column chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_3D_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked column chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_3D_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_COLUMN_3DA constant indicating a 3D column chart. It compares values across categories and across series. Embedded value is "6".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_CLUSTEREDA constant indicating a clustered bar chart. It compares values across categories. Embedded value is "10".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked bar chart. It compares the contribution of each value to a total across categories. Embedded value is "11".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart. It compares the percentage each value contributes to a total across categories. Embedded value is "12".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_3D_CLUSTEREDA constant indicating a clustered bar chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "13".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_3D_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "14".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_3D_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "15".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINEA constant indicating a line chart. It displays trend over time or categories. Embedded value is "20".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked line chart. It displays the trend of the contribution of each value over time or categories. Embedded value is "21".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked line chart. It compares the trend of the percentage each value contributes over time or categories. Embedded value is "22".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_MARKERSA constant indicating a line chart with markers displayed at each data value. Embedded value is "23".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_STACKED_MARKERSA constant indicating a stacked line chart with markers displayed at each data value. Embedded value is "24".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_100_PERCENT_STACKED_MARKERSA constant indicating an 100% stacked line chart with markers displayed at each data value. Embedded value is "25".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_LINE_3DA constant indicating a 3D line chart. Line chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "26".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PIEA constant indicating a pie chart. It displays the contribution of each value to a total. Embedded value is "30".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PIE_3DA constant indicating a pie chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "31".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PIE_OF_PIEA constant indicating a pie of pie chart. Pie with user-defined values extracted and combined into a second pie. Embedded value is "32".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PIE_EXPLODEDA constant indicating an exploded pie chart. It displays the contribution of each value to a total while emphasizing individual values. Embedded value is "33".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PIE_3D_EXPLODEDA constant indicating an exploded pie chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "34".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BAR_OF_PIEA constant indicating a bar of pie chart. Pie with user-defined values extracted and combined into a stacked bar. Embedded value is "35".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SCATTERA constant indicating a scatter chart. It compares pairs of values. Embedded value is "40".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SCATTER_SMOOTHED_LINES_MARKERSA constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by smoothed lines with markers. Embedded value is "41".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SCATTER_SMOOTHED_LINESA constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by smoothed lines without markers. Embedded value is "42".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SCATTER_LINES_MARKERSA constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by lines with markers. Embedded value is "43".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SCATTER_LINESA constant indicating a scatter chart with data points connected by lines without markers. Embedded value is "44".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREAA constant indicating an Area chart. It displays the trend of values over time or categories. Embedded value is "50".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREA_STACKEDA constant indicating a Stacked Area chart. It displays the trend of the contribution of each value over time or categories. Embedded value is "51".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREA_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% Stacked Area chart. It displays the trend of the percentage each value contributes over time or categories. Embedded value is "52".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREA_3DA constant indicating an Area with a 3D visual effect chart. Embedded value is "53".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREA_3D_STACKEDA constant indicating a Stacked Area with a 3D visual effect chart. Embedded value is "54".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_AREA_3D_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% Stacked Area chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "55".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_DOUGHNUTA constant indicating a doughnut chart. It is like a pie chart but, it can contain multiple series. Embedded value is "60".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_DOUGHNUT_EXPLODEDA constant indicating an exploded doughnut chart. It is like an exploded pie chart, but it can contain multiple series. Embedded value is "61".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_RADARA constant indicating a radar chart. It displays changes in values relative to a center point. Embedded value is "70".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_RADAR_MARKERSA constant indicating a radar chart with markers at each data point. Embedded value is "71".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_RADAR_FILLEDA constant indicating a filled radar chart. Radar with the area covered by a data series filled with a color. Embedded value is "72".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SURFACE_3DA constant indicating a 3D surface chart. It shows trends in values across two dimensions in a continuous curve. Embedded value is "80".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SURFACE_3D_WIREFRAMEA constant indicating a wireframe 3D surface chart. A 3D surface chart without color. Embedded value is "81".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SURFACE_CONTOURA constant indicating a contour chart. Surface chart viewed from above. Colors represent ranges of values. Embedded value is "82".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_SURFACE_CONTOUR_WIREFRAMEA constant indicating a wireframe contour chart without color. Embedded value is "83".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BUBBLEA constant indicating a bubble chart. Compares sets of 3 values. Like a scatter chart with a third value displayed as the size of the bubble marker. Embedded value is "90".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_BUBBLE_3D_EFFECTA constant indicating a bubble chart with a 3D visual effect. Embedded value is "91".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_STOCK_HIGH_LOW_CLOSEA constant indicating a stock high-low-close chart. Requires three series of values in this order. Embedded value is "100".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_STOCK_OPEN_HIGH_LOW_CLOSEA constant indicating a stock open-high-low-close chart. Requires four series of values in this order. Embedded value is "101".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_STOCK_VOLUME_HIGH_LOW_CLOSEA constant indicating a stock volume-high-low-close chart. Requires four series of values in this order. Embedded value is "102".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_STOCK_VOLUME_OPEN_HIGH_LOW_CLOSEA constant indicating a stock volume-open-high-low-close chart. Requires five series of values in this order. Embedded value is "103".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_COLUMNA constant indicating a column chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "110".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_COLUMN_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked column chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "111".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_COLUMN_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "112".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_BARA constant indicating a bar chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "113".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_BAR_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "114".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_BAR_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "115".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CYLINDER_COLUMN_3DA constant indicating a 3D column chart with a cylindrical shape. Embedded value is "116".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_COLUMNA constant indicating a column chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "120".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_COLUMN_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked column chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "121".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_COLUMN_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "122".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_BARA constant indicating a bar chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "123".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_BAR_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "124".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_BAR_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "125".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_CONE_COLUMN_3DA constant indicating a 3D column chart with a conical shape. Embedded value is "126".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_COLUMNA constant indicating a column chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "130".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_COLUMN_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked column chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "131".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_COLUMN_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked column chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "132".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_BARA constant indicating a bar chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "133".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_BAR_STACKEDA constant indicating a stacked bar chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "134".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_BAR_100_PERCENT_STACKEDA constant indicating a 100% stacked bar chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "135".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID_COLUMN_3DA constant indicating a 3D column chart with a pyramid shape. Embedded value is "136".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_BOTTOMA constant indicating that the legend is placed at the bottom of the chart. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_CORNERA constant indicating that the legend is placed at the top right corner of the chart. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_TOPA constant indicating that the legend is placed at the top of the chart. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_RIGHTA constant indicating that the legend is placed at the right margin of the chart. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_LEFTA constant indicating that the legend is placed at the left margin of the chart. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LEGEND_NOT_DOCKED_OR_INSIDE_THE_PLOT_AREAA constant indicating that the legend is placed in an unknown position in the chart area. Embedded value is "7".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int KEYS_ARRANGEMENT_DIRECTION_HORIZONTALA constant indicating that the keys are arranged horizontally in the legend area. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int KEYS_ARRANGEMENT_DIRECTION_VERTICALA constant indicating that the keys are arranged vertically in the legend area. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_SOLIDA constant indicating that the line is a solid line. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_DASHA constant indicating that the line is a dashed line. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_DOTA constant indicating that the line is a dotted line. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_DASH_DOTA constant indicating that the line is a dash dot line. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_DASH_DOT_DOTA constant indicating that the line is a dash dot dot line. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_NONEA constant indicating that the line is not visible. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_DARK_GRAYA constant indicating that the line has dark gray color. Embedded value is "6".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_MEDIUM_GRAYA constant indicating that the line has medium gray color. Embedded value is "7".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_STYLE_LIGHT_GRAYA constant indicating that the line has light gray color. Embedded value is "8".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_WEIGHT_HAIRLINEA constant indicating that the line weight is hairline. Embedded value is "-1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_WEIGHT_NARROWA constant indicating that the line weight is narrow. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_WEIGHT_MEDIUMA constant indicating that the line weight is medium. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_WEIGHT_WIDEA constant indicating that the line weight is wide. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int LINE_WEIGHT_ZEROA constant indicating that the line weight is zero. Embedded value is "0xFFFF".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_TYPE_NONEA constant indicating that there are no tick marks for axis. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_TYPE_INSIDEA constant indicating that the tick mark is present only inside. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_TYPE_OUTSIDEA constant indicating that the tick mark is present only outside. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_TYPE_CROSSA constant indicating that the tick mark is present both inside and outside. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_LABEL_NONEA constant indicating that there are no tick mark labels for axis. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_LABEL_LOWA constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated on bottom of the chart for X axis or on the left side of the chart for Y axis. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_LABEL_HIGHA constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated above of the chart for X axis or on the right side of the chart for Y axis. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int AXIS_TICK_MARK_LABEL_NEXT_TO_AXISA constant indicating that the tick mark labels are situated next to the axis. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_NONEDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is none. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_SHOW_VALUEDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is value. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_SHOW_PERCENTDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is percent. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_SHOW_LABELDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is label. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_SHOW_LABEL_AND_PERCENTDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is label and percent. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_DATA_LABELS_SHOW_BUBBLE_SIZEDeprecated.As of version 8.5A constant indicating that the series data labels show type is bubble size. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_AUTOMATICA constant indicating the automatic position for the data labels. Embedded value is "auto".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_BEST_FITA constant indicating the best fit position for the data labels. Embedded value is "bestFit".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_CENTERA constant indicating the center position for the data labels. Embedded value is "ctr".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_INSIDE_ENDA constant indicating the inside end position for the data labels. Embedded value is "inEnd".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_OUTSIDE_ENDA constant indicating the outside end position for the data labels. Embedded value is "outEnd".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_INSIDE_BASEA constant indicating the inside base position for the data labels. Embedded value is "inBase".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_BELOWA constant indicating the below position for the data labels. Embedded value is "b".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_LEFTA constant indicating the left position for the data labels. Embedded value is "l".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_RIGHTA constant indicating the right position for the data labels. Embedded value is "r".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_POSITION_ABOVEA constant indicating the above position for the data labels. Embedded value is "t".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_SEPARATOR_COMMAA constant indicating the comma separator for the data labels. Embedded value is ", ".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_SEPARATOR_SEMICOLONA constant indicating the semicolon separator for the data labels. Embedded value is "; ".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_SEPARATOR_PERIODA constant indicating the period separator for the data labels. Embedded value is ". ".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_SEPARATOR_NEW_LINEA constant indicating the new line separator for the data labels. Embedded value is "\r\n".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final System.String DATA_LABELS_SEPARATOR_SPACEA constant indicating the space separator for the data labels. Embedded value is " ".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_AUTOMATICA constant indicating that the series marker type is automatic. Embedded value is "-1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_NONEA constant indicating that the series marker type is none. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_SQUAREA constant indicating that the series marker type is square. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_DIAMONDA constant indicating that the series marker type is diamond. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_TRIANGLEA constant indicating that the series marker type is triangle. Embedded value is "3".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_XA constant indicating that the series marker type is X. Embedded value is "4".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_STARA constant indicating that the series marker type is star. Embedded value is "5".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_DOW_JONESA constant indicating that the series marker type is Dow Jones. Embedded value is "6".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_STANDARD_DEVIATIONA constant indicating that the series marker type is standard deviation. Embedded value is "7".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_CIRCLEA constant indicating that the series marker type is circle. Embedded value is "8".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_MARKER_PLUS_SIGNA constant indicating that the series marker type is plus sign. Embedded value is "9".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_IN_ROWSA constant indicating that the series is in rows. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final int SERIES_IN_COLUMNSA constant indicating that the series is in columns. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const System.Drawing.Color COLOR_NONEA constant indicating that the color is none. Used for series background. Embedded value is alfa=0, R=0, G=0, B=0. -
public const final short SPLIT_BY_POSITIONA constant indicating that the series is splited by position. Used only for pie of pie and bar of pie charts. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short SPLIT_BY_VALUEA constant indicating that the series is splited by value. Used only for pie of pie and bar of pie charts. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short SPLIT_BY_PERCENTAGE_VALUEA constant indicating that the series is splited by percentage value. Used only for pie of pie and bar of pie charts. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short BUBBLE_SIZE_REPRESENTS_AREA_OF_BUBBLESA constant indicating that the bubble size represents the area of bubbles. Used only for bubble charts. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short BUBBLE_SIZE_REPRESENTS_WIDTH_OF_BUBBLESA constant indicating that the bubble size represents the width of bubbles. Used only for bubble charts. Embedded value is "2".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short SHOW_EMPTY_CELLS_AS_GAPSA constant indicating that the empty cells are shown with gaps when the chart series is displayed. Embedded value is "0".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short SHOW_EMPTY_CELLS_AS_ZEROA constant indicating that the empty cells are shown as zero when the chart series is displayed. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
public const final short SHOW_EMPTY_CELLS_AS_DATA_POINTS_CONNECTED_WITH_LINESA constant indicating that the empty cells and its corresponding data points are connected with lines (interpolated) when the chart series is displayed. Embedded value is "1".- See Also:
- Constant Values
Constructor Details
public Chart()