

EasyXLS™ Presentation Brochure

This whitepaper contains the EasyXLS™ Component overall description, supported development platforms and major supported features. It also reveals EasyXLS™' key benefits, its advantages over OLE Automation, an in-depth case study and contact information.

Detailed Specifications Sheet

This whitepaper contains the EasyXLS™ Component overall description, detailed features, the list of formulas and operators supported.

EasyXLS™ .NET - Minimum System Requirements

This whitepaper contains the EasyXLS™ .Net Component hardware and software prerequisites and requirements.

EasyXLS™ Java - Minimum System Requirements

This whitepaper contains the EasyXLS™ Java Component hardware and software prerequisites and requirements.

EasyXLS™ COM+ - Minimum System Requirements

This whitepaper contains the EasyXLS™ COM+ Component hardware and software prerequisites and requirements.

Return Policy

This is the legal Letter of Software Destruction, used only in the case of a refund.

Trial Installation Notes (.NET)

Valid for EasyXLS version 8.6 or earlier. This document contains a detailed walkthrough of the EasyXLS™ .Net Trial installation and registration process.

Trial Installation Notes (Java)

Valid for EasyXLS version 8.6 or earlier. This document contains a detailed walkthrough of the EasyXLS™ Java Trial installation.

Volume benchmarks

This document contains preliminary test for big volume data.
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