EasyXLS is a mature product
Dennis M Wallentin, Microsoft MVP
Nowadays I get very rarely impressed by any software. I believe I can count them on one hand only. EasyXLS is a mature product, very fast, very reliable and at the same time very easy to work with. I'm very impressed with it, the object model it uses gives clean and a minimum of code. It takes a shorter time to learn the object module and how to use it in a recommended way.
Generate large electronic invoice reports
developer at Cornerstone Relocation Group
When TrackStar™ needed to generate large electronic invoice reports (EIRs), they turned to EasyXLS™. They knew that they needed a tool that would allow them to quickly generate attractively formatted electronic invoices with a lot of data while putting as little additional burden on their servers as possible.
EasyXLS is very simple and intuitive to use
We found EasyXLS very simple and intuitive to use. The extensive online documentation helped us get started in upgrading our outdated Excel reporting tools to provide a better solution. We are now able to easily import and export latest Excel versions with ease.
"Our task was close to be impossible until we found EasyXLS"
Vladimir Skrbic - developer, EuroDynamics
Our client is a very big European energy company and had specific needs about generating Excel forms, so we tried various APIs, but all of them have some limitations. Our task was close to be impossible until we found EasyXLS™ and tried demo. It’s really great API allowed us to do almost everything we wished, so client got fully functional module for Excel forms.
"Minimum programming effort"
Dave Laurian - developer, PMOSystem
With minimum programming effort, EasyXLS™ helped us generate complex billing forms and its formula-processing engine makes us more confident in our computation routines. More than that we can save our data as XML in seconds and send it over the Internet.