Large datasets can be serviced in an appropriate amount of time
From the software-developer side of view all those things can be implemented due to EasyXLS very simple and fast.
Even the important criterion of performance leaves nothing to be desired and requests, even for large datasets, can be serviced in an appropriate amount of time.
Create a customized data entry excel file
Marius Pancea, developer PMOSystem
In addition to reporting PMOSystem uses EasyXLS to ease system setup and configuration. Through the system import screens use EasyXLS to create a customized data entry excel file complete with default data, drop list selections, field validation and protected cells.
Export huge Excel files
IBM's TransportLens product makes use of EasyXLS to natively read and write Microsoft compatible XLS files. TransportLens exports huge XLS files that are distributed to and updated by the individual competing Carriers. Also it uses EasyXLS to read the files, validate the contents and store the pricing in the application for consideration of awarding shipping allocation.
EasyXLS without OLE Automation
They had previously learned that Crystal Reports claimed to output an MS Excel format, but those claims turned out to be greatly exaggerated and OLE Automation had a serious impact on the server performance, often locking up and requiring the server to be restarted. So they used EasyXLS.
The generated MS Excel file is attached to an email along with an electronic invoice and sent to Cornerstone's clients.
EasyXLS quickly generates Excel files
Project Manager, Maersk Data USA, Inc.
Two days after getting EasyXLS™ we were able to succeed where we had failed with all the other products. The results are amazing. Even with our biggest rate schedules, EasyXLS™ quickly generates Excel files that included precise formatting, embedded formulas, pictures, and huge dynamic data ranges.