

Good technical support

Easy to use with good technical support and follow up.

EasyXLS™ - Create excel files in an efficient way

Koen LAPAUW, Director
Used the Pro-version to open an Excel file, add formatted data and save it as a new file, with only a few lines of code. And it works fast ! Thank you for your help to determine the version I needed. I can only recommend EasyXLS™.

Really nice product

Really nice product. There is no similar product on the market!

The results were perfect

Impressed with simplicity of using Excel. Prior methods have been troublesome because of the variety or Office versions that may be installed on different computers. The test code that I've written was so easy and the results were perfect. I am looking forward to using the full depth of this product.

I definitely recommend EasyXLS

Attila Suciu, Lead Programmer
EasyXLS is the best product of it's kind. Used it in most of our projects and never failed to achieve what we needed. Support was prompt whenever we had an issue or needed guidance. What I like the most is that in every release of EasyXLS I see new features that help achieve more and more Excel functions. I definitely recommend EasyXLS. Keep on the good work.
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