Our product includes now support for file properties
6.2 Trial version released! For download visit www.easyxls.com/trials. New features - Chart sheets for the BIFF12 Office 2007 file format - Tab color - File Properties - Cloning functionality - Optional saving...
6.1 version is now out!
1. 6.1 version is now out! For more details visit www.easyxls.com/products. To purchase the new version visit www.easyxls.com/purchase. New features - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 file format...
Our product includes now support for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 binary documents!
6.1 Trial version released! For download visit www.easyxls.com/trials. New features - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 file format: binary file format (BIFF12) - Scale options for chart axis. Improvements...
6.0 version is now out!
1. 6.0 version is now out! For more details visit www.easyxls.com/products. To purchase the new version visit www.easyxls.com/purchase. New features - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 file format: Open...
Our product includes now support for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 documents!
6.0 Trial version released! For download visit www.easyxls.com/trials. New features - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 file format: Open XML file format - Hidden sheets - xls files generated by Crystal Reports...