

EasyXLS includes now support for auto-filters

07/08/2011 16:00
EasyXLS Trial v8.0 released!

For download visit:

New features:
- Optional log error printing to the console
- Filters and auto filters
- Distributed horizontal and vertical alignment for styles, cells, columns, rows
- The possibility to extract the cell value according to the format applied on the cell
- Pivot Table preservation for xls files

Bug fixes:
- express writer: regional settings
- java: reading numeric values into a dataset/list from a range
- xls: data validation of list type with relative references
- xls: set/get basic properties if no section is present
- xls: reading formulas that have old record ID (0x406)
- xml: loading global names
- xlsx: loading string values having phonetic settings
- xlsx: loading string values having RTF format and empty text inside the rtf setting
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