

5.3 Trial version released!

11/17/2006 16:20

New features:
- Split/Freeze panes
- Cell pattern, text rotation and indent
- Zoom for worksheets and chart sheets
- Preserve VB macros
- Rich text format in cells
- Groups and outline levels

- Formula processing improvements
- Speed improvements for save/load HTML files
- Speed improvements for save/load XML documents

Bug fixes:
- Load CSV files containing text with quotes
- Load row height
- Load plot area background and chart area foreground for charts
- Load 3D elevation for charts
- Stream closed after esd_LoadTemplateFile(String sPath) method is called
- Save in HTML files the images added in empty cells, in cells with hyperlinks or the images with no size specified
- Page Setup: rows to repeat at top and columns to repeat at left validation

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