

5.1 version released!

03/02/2006 00:00
New features:
* formula computation engine
* formulas in R1C1 reference style
* row formatting
* auto-formats (default & custom)
* import from XLS/CSV/XML as SQL data set or custom lists
* load files: CSV/HTML/XML

* error handling
* addConditionalFormatting methods have a new parameter that specifies the conditions list

Bug Fixes:
* fixed: setRangeAutoFormat on a range that contains 2 rows or 2 columns
* fixed: define 2 (or more) DataValidator or ConditionalFormatting objects on the same cell(s)
* fixed: removeHyperlink method clears the cell value if specified
* fixed: getHyperlinkAt method returns the last added hyperlink at the specified position
* fixed: C++ getColor methods return a number instead of an OLE Color
* fixed: setFormula method has been added to the ExcelArrayFormula object
* fixed: setSuperscript / setSubscript methods of the ExcelStyle object
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