

13 years and counting...

03/01/2013 14:55

Our Goal – "Being number one"
Over the last thirteen years, our team has strived to become the market leader by offering the best features, best compatibility, best performance, and best support possible. EasyXLS is determined to create the best Excel file programming library.

Our Vision – "Client always comes first"
We seek to understand our clients' needs and we are focused on our clients' success. EasyXLS grows on the clients' requirements and requests. When the priority support clients encounter a problem, we work together to either find a solid workaround or our team provides a hot patch.  EasyXLS provides to our customers the highest quality support.

Our Mission – "Difficult report? Easy task!"
What looks difficult or even impossible has never been easier! EasyXLS provides a tool for handling MS Excel file formats. The component offers an API for loading and saving reports from/to xls, xlsx, xlsb and even more file formats. Our 24 hour support team is always ready to answer to the clients' questions when things become more difficult.

Our Objective – "Best coverage"
We plan to cover all MS Excel features. When Microsoft launches a new feature, EasyXLS is right behind. Our team puts its experience to work to ensure the best coverage. EasyXLS extends the supported features based on a release cycle of about 3-4 months. As a result, a 2-year subscription option comes to support this action. At least one major version upgrade is guaranteed even if the subscription has expired.

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