EasyXLS Excel library can be used to export Excel files in VB6. The library is a COM+ component that works without MS Excel installed.
Step 1: Download and install EasyXLS Excel Library for COM+
To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:
![Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for VB6]()
If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account.
Step 2: Verify if EasyXLS is registered
Check if EasyXLS component is present in Component Services.
Step 3: License file setup
Step required for EasyXLS v9.0 or later.
If you are using a trial, generate a trial license file from EasyXLS trials page. The trial license is valid for 30-days.
If you own a license key, you may login to the account that purchased the license and generate the license file from:
Setup the license file into your project using these guidelines.
Step 4: Add reference to EasyXLS (optionally)
Optionally, EasyXLS can be added as reference. Go to menu, select "Project" menu item, choose "References...", then check EasyXLS from the "Available References" list.
![add reference vb6]()
Step 5: Run VB6 code that adds formula to Excel cell
Execute the following VB6 code that creates a password protected Excel file.