How to add hyperlinks in J#.NET

package Tutorial15;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Tutorial 15
 * This tutorial shows how to create an Excel file with hyperlinks in J#.
 * EasyXLS supports the following hyperlink types:
 * (1) - hyperlink to URL
 * (2) - hyperlink to file
 * (3) - hyperlink to UNC
 * (4) - hyperlink to cell in the same Excel file
 * (5) - hyperlink to name
 * The link can be placed on a range of cells.
 * Every type of hyperlink accepts a tool tip description.
 * Every type of hyperlink accepts a text mark. A text mark is a link inside the file.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

import System.*;
import EasyXLS.*;

public class Tutorial15
    public Tutorial15()

    /** @attribute System.STAThread() */
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Tutorial 15\n----------\n");

        // Create an instance of the class that exports Excel files having two sheets
        ExcelDocument workbook = new ExcelDocument(2);
        // Set the sheet names
        ExcelWorksheet xlsTab1 = (ExcelWorksheet) workbook.easy_getSheetAt(0);
        ExcelWorksheet xlsTab2 = (ExcelWorksheet) workbook.easy_getSheetAt(1);
        xlsTab1.setSheetName("First tab");
        xlsTab2.setSheetName("Second tab");
        // Create hyperlink to URL
                                    "http://www.euoutsourcing.com", "Link to URL", "B2:E2");

        // Create hyperlink to file
                                    "c:\\myfile.xls", "Link to file", "B3");

        // Create hyperlink to UNC
                                    "\\\\computerName\\Folder\\file.txt", "Link to UNC", "B4:D4");

        // Create hyperlink to cell on second sheet
                                    "'Second tab'!D3", "Link to CELL", "B5");

        // Create a name on the second sheet
        xlsTab2.easy_addName("Name", "=Second tab!$A$1:$A$4");

        // Create hyperlink to name
                                    "Name", "Link to a name", "B6");

        // Export Excel file
        Console.WriteLine("Writing file C:\\Samples\\Tutorial15 - hyperlinks in Excel.xlsx.");
        workbook.easy_WriteXLSXFile("C:\\Samples\\Tutorial15 - hyperlinks in Excel.xlsx");

        // Confirm export of Excel file
        String sError = workbook.easy_getError();
        if (sError.Equals(""))
            Console.Write("\nFile successfully created. Press Enter to Exit...");
            Console.Write("\nError encountered: " + sError + "\nPress Enter to Exit...");

        // Dispose memory


EasyXLS Excel libraries:

Excel Library for J#
full .NET version to import, export or convert Excel files
Excel Writer for J#
.NET version to create and export Excel files
Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for J#

File formats:

Office 365
MS Excel 2021 - 2025
MS Excel 2007 - 2019
MS Excel 97 - 2003