How to set rich text format in cells in C++

EasyXLS Excel library can be used to export Excel files in C++. The integration varies depending on the project technique, if .NET Framework can be used or not.

EasyXLS using COM+ for projects without .NET Framework

If you opt for the COM+ version of EasyXLS, be sure that you have EasyXLS installed and registered on your machine.

Step 1: Download and install EasyXLS Excel Library for COM+

To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:

Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for C++

If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account.

Step 2: Verify if EasyXLS is registered

Check if EasyXLS component is present in Component Services.

Step 3: License file setup

Step required for EasyXLS v9.0 or later.

If you are using a trial, generate a trial license file from EasyXLS trials page. The trial license is valid for 30-days.

If you own a license key, you may login to the account that purchased the license and generate the license file from:

Setup the license file into your project using these guidelines.

Step 4: Run C++ code that sets rich text format in Excel cells

Execute the following C++ code that exports rich text format (RTF) in an Excel cell.

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 * Tutorial 19
 * This tutorial shows how to create an Excel file in C++ having
 * multiple sheets. The first sheet is filled with data and the
 * first cell of the second row contains data in rich text format.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "EasyXLS.h"
#include <conio.h>

int main()
    printf("Tutorial 19\n----------\n");

    HRESULT hr;

    // Initialize COM
    hr = CoInitialize(0);

    // Use the SUCCEEDED macro and get a pointer to the interface
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Create a pointer to the interface that exports Excel files
        EasyXLS::IExcelDocumentPtr workbook;
        hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(EasyXLS::ExcelDocument),
                              (void**) &workbook);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)){

            // Create two sheets
            workbook->easy_addWorksheet_2("First tab");
            workbook->easy_addWorksheet_2("Second tab");

            // Get the table of data for the first worksheet
            EasyXLS::IExcelWorksheetPtr xlsFirstTab= (EasyXLS::IExcelWorksheetPtr)workbook->easy_getSheetAt(0);
            EasyXLS::IExcelTablePtr xlsFirstTable = xlsFirstTab->easy_getExcelTable();

            // Create the string used to set the RTF in cell
            char* sFormattedValue = (char*)malloc(536*sizeof(char));
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 21, "This is <b>bold</b>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 24, "\nThis is <i>italic</i>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 27, "\nThis is <u>underline</u>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 64, "\nThis is <underline double>double underline</underline double>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 37, "\nThis is <font color=red>red</font>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 50, "\nThis is <font color=rgb(255,0,0)>red</font> too.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 56, "\nThis is <font face=\"Arial Black\">Arial Black</font>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 41, "\nThis is <font size=15pt>size 15</font>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 31, "\nThis is <s>strikethrough</s>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 33, "\nThis is <sup>superscript</sup>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 31, "\nThis is <sub>subscript</sub>.");
            strcpy_s(sFormattedValue, 138, "\n<b>This</b> <i>is</i> <font color=red face=\"Arial Black\" size=15pt>"
                                              "<underline double>formatted</underline double></font> <s>text</s>.");

            // Set the rich text value in cell
            xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setHTMLValue(sFormattedValue);
            xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setDataType(DATATYPE_STRING);
            xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setWrap(true);

            // Export Excel file
            printf("Writing file C:\\Samples\\Tutorial19 - RTF for Excel cells.xlsx.");
            workbook->easy_WriteXLSXFile("C:\\Samples\\Tutorial19 - RTF for Excel cells.xlsx");

            // Confirm export of Excel file
            _bstr_t sError = workbook->easy_getError();
            if (strcmp(sError, "") == 0){
                printf("\nFile successfully created. Press Enter to Exit...");
                printf("\nError encountered: %s", (LPCSTR)sError); 

            // Dispose memory
            printf("Object is not available!");
        printf("COM can't be initialized!");

    // Uninitialize COM

    return 0;

C++ and .NET Framework
This tutorial is valid for C++ applications that cannot use .NET Framework. It is recommended, for better performances, that if the C++ application already uses or can use .NET Framework to make use of this similar code sample.

Overloaded methods
For methods with same name but different parameters, only the first method overload retains the original name. Subsequent overloads are uniquely renamed by appending to the method name '_2', '_3', etc (method, method_2, method_3), an integer that corresponds to the order of declaration that can be found in EasyXLS.h, a file that comes with EasyXLS installation.

EasyXLS in C++.NET projects using .NET Framework

If you opt for the .NET Framework version of EasyXLS, you need a C++.NET project and to include EasyXLS.dll into project.

Step 1: Download EasyXLS Excel Library for .NET

To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button:

Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for C++.NET

If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account.

Install the downloaded EasyXLS installer for v8.6 or earlier.

Step 2: License file setup

Step required for EasyXLS v9.0 or later.

If you are using a trial, generate a trial license file from EasyXLS trials page. The trial license is valid for 30-days.

If you own a license key, you may login to the account that purchased the license and generate the license file from:

Setup the license file into your project using these guidelines.

Step 3: Include EasyXLS library into project

EasyXLS.dll must be added to your project. EasyXLS.dll can be found:
- Inside the downloaded archive at Step 1 for EasyXLS v9.0 or later
- Under installation path for EasyXLS v8.6 or earlier, in "Dot NET version" folder.

Step 4: Run C++ code that sets rich text format in Excel cells

Execute the following C++ code that exports rich text format (RTF) in an Excel cell.

 | Tutorial 19
 | This tutorial shows how to create an Excel file in C++.NET having
 | multiple sheets. The first sheet is filled with data and the
 | first cell of the second row contains data in rich text format.

#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace EasyXLS;
using namespace EasyXLS::Constants;

int main()
    Console::WriteLine("Tutorial 19\n----------\n");

    // Create an instance of the class that exports Excel files having two sheets
    ExcelDocument ^workbook = gcnew ExcelDocument(2);

    // Set the sheet names
    workbook->easy_getSheetAt(0)->setSheetName("First tab");
    workbook->easy_getSheetAt(1)->setSheetName("Second tab");

    // Get the table of data for the first worksheet
    ExcelWorksheet ^xlsFirstTab = safe_cast<ExcelWorksheet^>(workbook->easy_getSheetAt(0));
    ExcelTable ^xlsFirstTable = xlsFirstTab->easy_getExcelTable();

    // Create the string used to set the RTF in cell
    String ^sFormattedValue = "This is <b>bold</b>.";
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <i>italic</i>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <u>underline</u>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <underline double>double underline");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"</underline double>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <font color=red>red</font>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <font color=rgb(255,0,0)>red</font> too.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <font face=\"Arial Black\">Arial Black</font>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <font size=15pt>size 15</font>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <s>strikethrough</s>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <sup>superscript</sup>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\nThis is <sub>subscript</sub>.");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"\n<b>This</b> <i>is</i> ");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"<font color=red face=\"Arial Black\" size=15pt>");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"<underline double>formatted</underline double></font> ");
    sFormattedValue = String::Concat(sFormattedValue ,"<s>text</s>.");

    // Set the rich text value in cell
    xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setHTMLValue(sFormattedValue); 
    xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setDataType(DataType::STRING);
    xlsFirstTable->easy_getCell(1, 0)->setWrap(true); 

    // Export Excel file
    Console::WriteLine("Writing file C:\\Samples\\Tutorial19 - RTF for Excel cells.xlsx.");
    workbook->easy_WriteXLSXFile("C:\\Samples\\Tutorial19 - RTF for Excel cells.xlsx");

    // Confirm export of Excel file
    String ^sError = workbook->easy_getError();
    if (sError->Equals(""))
        Console::Write("\nFile successfully created. Press Enter to Exit...");
        Console::Write(String::Concat("\nError encountered: ", sError, "\nPress Enter to Exit..."));

    // Dispose memory
    delete workbook;


    return 0;

EasyXLS Excel libraries:

Excel Library for C++
full COM+ version to import, export or convert Excel files
Excel Writer for C++
COM+ version to create and export Excel files
Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for C++

File formats:

Office 365
MS Excel 2021 - 2025
MS Excel 2007 - 2019
MS Excel 97 - 2003