Possible reason #1: Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later not installed
EasyXLS requires JRE 1.6 or later on the machine running EasyXLS. Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later must be installed.
Possible reason #2: Windows 64-bit, EasyXLS installer 64-bit and JRE 1.6 64-bit or later not installed
EasyXLS requires JRE 1.6 64-bit or later on the machine running EasyXLS. Java Runtime Environment 1.6 64-bit or later must be installed. The error occurs if only JRE 32-bit is installed.
Another option is to use EasyXLS installer for 32-bit.
Possible reason #3: Java Runtime Environment 1.8_60 or later
EasyXLS uses Install Anywhere engine for the installer. Java 8 update 60 or later might not be detected by the engine.
Possible solutions are:
I) Use LAX_VM parameter when launching the installer from command prompt: