Troubleshoot VBScript runtime errors

Issues might occur when running EasyXLS from your VBS script. The problems happen for several reasons, depending on computer operating system, permissions, configuration and other possible aspects. Based on the error you get, select one of the following resolutions:

Contact us for any other reasons

If none of the above, contact us at support@easyxls.com with details about your application configuration and the full error message.

EasyXLS Excel libraries:

Excel Library for VBScript
full COM+ version to import, export or convert Excel files
Excel Writer for VBScript
COM+ version to create and export Excel files
Excel Reader for VBScript
COM+ version to read and import Excel files
Express Excel Writer for VBScript
limited COM+ version to create and export Excel files in predefined formats
Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for VBScript

File formats:

Office 365
MS Excel 2021 - 2025
MS Excel 2007 - 2019
MS Excel 97 - 2003