Chart series

EasyXLS™ library allows adding, editing and deleting series from an Excel chart. A chart data source is composed of series that represent the Y axis values. The data of the chart consists of data points that are organized in series.

EasyXLS provides a wide variety of methods that enables users to set multiple series for a chart and their properties like series name, series values and formatting.

The series formatting is formed by fill settings, border color settings, border styles settings, shadow settings and 3D-format, markers settings and data labels settings.

Source code sample

The below example shows how to set the background of the chart series for an Excel file.


The screen shot provides an example of an exported cylinder chart that has the series formatted.

Excel chart series

Adding series to chart

The series for Y axis values can be added using ExcelChart.easy_addSeries method. Also, as showed in the above tutorial, the series are automatically built from the data source when the chart sheet is added to the workbook.

Series fill formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the background appearance of the chart series through the usage of FillDrawingObject.getFillFormat method that is available in ExcelSeries class because of the class inheritance.

The supported fill options are:
   - No fill
   - Solid fill (series color, series transparency)
   - Gradient fill
   - Picture and texture fill
   - Automatic

Series border color formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the border color appearance of the chart series through the usage of LineDrawingObject.getLineColorFormat method that is available in ExcelSeries class because of the class inheritance.

The supported border color options are:
   - No line
   - Solid line (series line color)
   - Gradient line
   - Automatic

Series border style formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the border style of the chart series through the usage of LineDrawingObject.getLineStyleFormat method that is available in ExcelSeries class because of the class inheritance.

The supported border style options are:
   - Border width
   - Compound type
   - Dash type
   - Cap type
   - Join type
   - Arrow settings

Series shadow formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the shadow appearance of the chart series through the usage of LineDrawingObject.getShadowFormat method that is available in ExcelSeries class because of the class inheritance.

The supported shadow options are:
   - Preset shadows
   - Shadow color
   - Transparency, size, blur, angle and distance

Series 3D formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the 3D appearance of the chart series through the usage of EffectDrawingObject.get3DFormat method that is available in ExcelSeries class because of the class inheritance. The 3D option must be used only for the 3D chart types.

The supported 3D options are:
   - Bevel settings (top and bottom)
   - Surface settings (material and lighting)

Series markers options

EasyXLS lets you set the marker appearance of the chart series through the usage of ExcelSeries.setMarkerType method. The markers must be used only for the chart types that support markers like line charts, scatter charts or radar charts.

The supported marker options are:
   - No marker
   - Built-in marker
   - Automatic marker
   - Marker size

Series marker fill formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the background appearance of the series marker through the usage of ExcelSeries.getMarkerFillFormat method. The markers must be used only for the chart types that support markers like line charts, scatter charts or radar charts.

The supported fill options are:
   - No fill
   - Solid fill (marker color, marker transparency)
   - Gradient fill
   - Picture and texture fill
   - Automatic

Series marker line color formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the line color appearance of the series marker through the usage of ExcelSeries.getMarkerLineColorFormat method. The markers must be used only for the chart types that support markers like line charts, scatter charts or radar charts.

The supported line color options are:
   - No line
   - Solid line (series line color)
   - Gradient line
   - Automatic

Series marker line styles formatting

EasyXLS lets you set the line style of the series marker through the usage of ExcelSeries.getMarkerLineStyleFormat method. The markers must be used only for the chart types that support markers like line charts, scatter charts or radar charts.

The supported line style options are:
   - Line width
   - Compound type
   - Dash type
   - Cap type
   - Join type
   - Arrow settings


Available for: Professional, Excel Writer, Excel Reader
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EasyXLS Excel libraries:

.NET Excel Library
full .NET version to import, export or convert Excel files
COM+ Excel Library
full COM+ version to import, export or convert Excel files
Java Excel Library
full Java version to import, export or convert Excel files
Download EasyXLS™ Excel Library for .NET and Java

File formats:

Office 365
MS Excel 2021 - 2025
MS Excel 2007 - 2019
MS Excel 97 - 2003